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Indicators of deprivation predict diurnal cortisol regulation during infancy.
Developmental Psychology ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1037/dev0000966
Laura Perrone 1 , Allison Frost 1 , Sierra Kuzava 1 , Galia Nissim 1 , Suzanne Vaccaro 1 , Melanie Rodriguez 1 , Allison Dash 1 , Kristin Bernard 1

Dysregulation of diurnal cortisol rhythms is often seen among children exposed to early adversity and has been associated with a variety of negative physical and mental health outcomes. The present study examined whether two indicators of deprivation, sociodemographic burden and observed parental insensitivity, were associated with child diurnal cortisol rhythms among a diverse community sample of 250 infants ages 5 to 22 months (M = 12.68 months, 47.2% male). The sample was diverse in terms of socioeconomic status as assessed by household income (M = $59,163, SD = $57,775, range = $0-230,000) and infant race/ethnicity (41.6% African American, 19.2% White, 17.2% multiracial, 14.0% Hispanic/Latin, 2.8% Caribbean, 2.8% other, 1.2% American Indian/Alaska Native, and 1.2% Asian). Sociodemographic burden indicators were assessed through questionnaires completed by the parent. Parental sensitivity was assessed through observations of parents' interactions with their infants during a play interaction task. Cortisol was assayed from infant saliva samples collected at waking and bedtime across 3 days. Structural equation modeling revealed that higher sociodemographic burden, but not parental insensitivity, was associated with blunted diurnal cortisol slopes. Neither sociodemographic burden nor parental insensitivity were associated with the cortisol awakening response. These findings suggest that sociodemographic burden may be an important early predictor of diurnal cortisol slope dysregulation, highlighting the importance of interventions providing support to individuals who experience sociodemographic burden and promoting reduction of these early stressors. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).



昼夜皮质醇节律失调常见于暴露于早期逆境的儿童,并与各种负面的身心健康结果有关。本研究在 250 名 5 至 22 个月大的婴儿(M = 12.68 个月,47.2% 男性)的不同社区样本中检查了剥夺的两个指标、社会人口负担和观察到的父母不敏感是否与儿童昼夜皮质醇节律有关。根据家庭收入(M = 59,163 美元,SD = 57,775 美元,范围 = 0-230,000 美元)和婴儿种族(41.6% 非裔美国人,19.2% 白人,17.2% 多种族,14.0%西班牙裔/拉丁裔、2.8% 加勒比人、2.8% 其他人、1.2% 美洲印第安人/阿拉斯加原住民和 1.2% 亚洲人)。社会人口学负担指标通过家长填写的问卷进行评估。通过在游戏互动任务中观察父母与婴儿的互动来评估父母的敏感性。从 3 天内醒来和睡前收集的婴儿唾液样本中测定皮质醇。结构方程模型显示,较高的社会人口负担,但不是父母的不敏感,与昼夜皮质醇斜率减弱有关。社会人口学负担和父母的不敏感都与皮质醇觉醒反应无关。这些发现表明社会人口学负担可能是昼夜皮质醇斜率失调的重要早期预测因子,强调为经历社会人口负担的个人提供支持并促进减少这些早期压力源的干预措施的重要性。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2021 APA,保留所有权利)。