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Introduction to “Return of the Repressed: Revisiting Dissociation and the Psychoanalysis of the Traumatized Mind”
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0003065120968240
Jane V. Kite

The court’s main trust is to repair fractures in federal law. Because the court grants review dominantly when other jurists have divided on the meaning of a statutory or constitutional prescription, the questions we take up are rarely easy; they seldom have indubitably right answers. Yet by reasoning together at our conferences and, with more depth and precision, through circulation of, and responses to, draft opinions, we ultimately agree far more often than we sharply divide. —Ruth BadeR GinsBuRG (New York Times, September 20, 2020)



法院的主要职责是修复联邦法律中的骨折。因为当其他法学家对法定或宪法规定的含义存在分歧时,法院主要批准复审,所以我们提出的问题很少容易;他们很少有无可置疑的正确答案。然而,通过在我们的会议上一起推理,并通过传播和回应草案意见,更深入和更准确地进行推理,我们最终达成一致的频率远远超过我们的分歧。——Ruth Bader GinsBurG(纽约时报,2020 年 9 月 20 日)