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The Roles of Settings in Supporting Immigrants’ Resistance to Injustice and Oppression: A Policy Position Statement by the Society for Community Research and Action
American Journal of Community Psychology ( IF 4.019 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07 , DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12515
Sara L Buckingham 1 , Regina Day Langhout 2 , Dana Rusch 3 , Tara Mehta 3 , Noé Rubén Chávez 4 , Kevin Ferreira van Leer 5 , Ashmeet Oberoi 6 , Monica Indart 7 , Virginia Paloma 8 , V Elizabeth King 9 , Bradley Olson 10

In 2018, in response to increasingly oppressive and widespread federal immigration enforcement actions in the United States (U.S.) and around the globe – including family separation, immigration raids, detention, deportation of people who have lived in the country for much of their lives – the Society for Community Research & Action produced a statement on the effects of deportation and forced separation on immigrants, their families, and communities (SCRA, 2018). The statement focused exclusively on the impacts of deportation and forced family separation, documenting the damage done by oppressive U.S. policies and practices. We felt it was imperative to document this harm, and yet were uncomfortable producing a narrow paper that focused solely on harm. There are multiple ways immigrants and their allies resist deportation and other forms of oppression. This resistance is done individually, collectively, and in settings that vary in size and scope, including community-based, faith-based, direct care, and educational settings, as well as entire municipalities and transnational organizing settings. Settings facilitate resistance in many ways, focusing on those who are oppressed, their oppressors, and systems of oppression. In this statement, we describe the unique and overlapping ways in which settings facilitate resistance. We situate this review of the scientific and practice literature in the frameworks of change through social settings, empowering settings, healing justice, and decolonization. We also document recommendations for continued resistance.



2018 年,为了应对在美国和全球范围内日益压迫和广泛的联邦移民执法行动——包括家庭分离、移民突袭、拘留、驱逐在该国生活了大部分时间的人——社区研究与行动协会就驱逐和强迫分离对移民、他们的家庭和社区的影响发表了一份声明(SCRA,2018 年)。该声明只关注驱逐和强迫家庭分离的影响,记录了美国压迫性政策和做法造成的损害。我们认为记录这种伤害势在必行,但又对撰写仅关注伤害的狭隘论文感到不舒服。移民及其盟友有多种方式抵制驱逐和其他形式的压迫。这种抵抗是单独的、集体的,在规模和范围各不相同的环境中进行,包括基于社区的、基于信仰的、直接护理和教育环境,以及整个城市和跨国组织环境。环境以多种方式促进抵抗,重点关注那些被压迫的人、他们的压迫者和压迫制度。在本声明中,我们描述了设置促进抵抗的独特且重叠的方式。我们将这篇对科学和实践文献的回顾置于通过社会环境、赋权环境、治愈正义和非殖民化的变革框架中。我们还记录了持续阻力的建议。这种抵抗是单独的、集体的,在规模和范围各不相同的环境中进行,包括基于社区的、基于信仰的、直接护理和教育环境,以及整个城市和跨国组织环境。环境以多种方式促进抵抗,重点关注那些被压迫的人、他们的压迫者和压迫制度。在本声明中,我们描述了设置促进抵抗的独特且重叠的方式。我们将这篇对科学和实践文献的回顾置于通过社会环境、赋权环境、治愈正义和非殖民化的变革框架中。我们还记录了持续阻力的建议。这种抵抗是单独的、集体的,在规模和范围各不相同的环境中进行,包括基于社区的、基于信仰的、直接护理和教育环境,以及整个城市和跨国组织环境。环境以多种方式促进抵抗,重点关注那些被压迫的人、他们的压迫者和压迫制度。在本声明中,我们描述了设置促进抵抗的独特且重叠的方式。我们将这篇对科学和实践文献的回顾置于通过社会环境、赋权环境、治愈正义和非殖民化的变革框架中。我们还记录了持续阻力的建议。以及整个城市和跨国组织环境。环境以多种方式促进抵抗,重点关注那些被压迫的人、他们的压迫者和压迫制度。在本声明中,我们描述了设置促进抵抗的独特且重叠的方式。我们将这篇对科学和实践文献的回顾置于通过社会环境、赋权环境、治愈正义和非殖民化的变革框架中。我们还记录了持续阻力的建议。以及整个城市和跨国组织环境。环境以多种方式促进抵抗,重点关注那些被压迫的人、他们的压迫者和压迫制度。在本声明中,我们描述了设置促进抵抗的独特且重叠的方式。我们将这篇对科学和实践文献的回顾置于通过社会环境、赋权环境、治愈正义和非殖民化的变革框架中。我们还记录了持续阻力的建议。我们将这篇对科学和实践文献的回顾置于通过社会环境、赋权环境、治愈正义和非殖民化的变革框架中。我们还记录了持续阻力的建议。我们将这篇对科学和实践文献的回顾置于通过社会环境、赋权环境、治愈正义和非殖民化的变革框架中。我们还记录了持续阻力的建议。