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Content4All Open Research Sign Language Translation Datasets
arXiv - CS - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: arxiv-2105.02351
Necati Cihan Camgoz, Ben Saunders, Guillaume Rochette, Marco Giovanelli, Giacomo Inches, Robin Nachtrab-Ribback, Richard Bowden

Computational sign language research lacks the large-scale datasets that enables the creation of useful reallife applications. To date, most research has been limited to prototype systems on small domains of discourse, e.g. weather forecasts. To address this issue and to push the field forward, we release six datasets comprised of 190 hours of footage on the larger domain of news. From this, 20 hours of footage have been annotated by Deaf experts and interpreters and is made publicly available for research purposes. In this paper, we share the dataset collection process and tools developed to enable the alignment of sign language video and subtitles, as well as baseline translation results to underpin future research.


