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Race & Class ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07 , DOI: 10.1177/03063968211010999
Brenda Burgo

In this personal narrative, the author details her grandfather’s and father’s experiences of police brutality in Los Angeles, a pattern that continues from one generation to another. She shows the long legacy of violence and racism that Black men face at the hands of the Los Angeles Police Department – from her grandfather Roy Wyche, who was beaten so badly in 1974 that he sustained permanent brain damage, to her father who suffered severe injuries after being wrongly suspected of a crime in 1983. These stories, she argues, are common occurrences that are part of a long history of injustice and systemic racism that Black people continue to face in the present day.



在本篇个人叙述中,作者详细介绍了祖父和父亲在洛杉矶遭受警察暴行的经历,这种模式从一代到另一代都延续了下来。她展示了黑人男子在洛杉矶警察局面临的暴力和种族主义的悠久遗产-从祖父罗伊·怀切(Roy Wyche)到1974年,父亲遭受重伤,祖父在1974年遭到殴打,以致永久性脑损伤她认为,这些故事是在1983年被错误地怀疑犯有罪行之后发生的。这些故事是经常发生的事件,是当今黑人继续面临的漫长不公正和系统种族主义历史的一部分。
