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Excess Body Weight and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Visceral Medicine ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07

Background: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is strongly associated with excess body weight. Summary: GERD is characterized by typical symptoms with or without mucosal damage because of retrograde flow of gastric content into the esophagus. An ineffective esophagogastric junction (EGJ) combined with anatomical abnormalities is considered to be causative. The incidence of GERD is strongly associated with excess body weight, reflecting the pathophysiological relevance of the abdominothoracic pressure gradient. Key Message: Weight loss has been demonstrated to be an effective therapy for GERD combined with obesity. In cases in which surgical therapy is indicated, traditional antireflux surgery has led to equivocal results, advocating a proximal Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in these patients to correct both GERD and excess body weight.
Visc Med



背景:胃食管反流病(GERD)与体重过多有密切关系。简介: GERD的特征是由于胃内容物逆行流入食道而具有或不具有粘膜损害的典型症状。无效的食管胃交界处(EGJ)结合解剖学异常被认为是病因。GERD的发生与体重超重密切相关,反映了腹胸压力梯度的病理生理相关性。关键信息:减肥已被证明是对肥胖合并GERD的有效疗法。在需要手术治疗的情况下,传统的抗返流手术已产生模棱两可的结果,他们主张在这些患者中进行近端Roux-en-Y胃旁路手术以纠正GERD和体重过重。
Visc Med