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Novel Suspended-Line Gap Waveguide Packaged With Stacked-Mushroom EBG Structures
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-29 , DOI: 10.1109/tmtt.2021.3068260
Xiao-Fei Zhao , Jing-Ya Deng , Jia-Yuan Yin , Dongquan Sun , Li-Xin Guo , Xiao-Hua Ma , Yue Hao

A novel low-loss suspended-line gap waveguide (SLGW) supporting transverse electromagnetic (TEM) propagation is presented for millimeter-wave applications for the first time. The suspended line is composed of two parallel strips connected by metal via holes. Periodic stacked-mushroom electromagnetic band gap (SM-EBG) structures are used to package the suspended line by creating a stopband for all parallel-plate modes. According to the different packaging requirements of the circuit, the SM-EBG unit cell can be composed of several stacked mushrooms and metal covers. The air gaps’ thickness between face-to-face patches of the adjacent mushrooms is near zero, confining more power in the air-filled guiding region of the SLGW. Furthermore, the SM-EBG structures with near-zero thick air gaps can provide more stable mechanical support for the multilayer structure. Therefore, SLGW has a lower loss and more robust gap stability compared with the conventional air-filled printed versions of GWs, such as printed ridge gap waveguide (PRGW) and inverted microstrip gap waveguide (IMGW). On the other hand, compared with the self-packaged double-sided interconnected strip line (DSISL), the proposed SLGW packaged with SM-EBG structures has the advantage of no electrical contact, avoiding the power leakages in the gap between plates at discontinuities and simplifying the assembly. The design and analysis of the SM-EBG structure, the design of SLGW, and the microstrip-to-SLGW transition design are given in this article. A prototype of the proposed SLGW with back-to-back transition is fabricated packaged with SM-EBG structures to prove the concept.


