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Pasadena before the Roses: Race, Identity, and Land Use in Southern California, 1771–1890 by Yvette J. Saavedra (review)
Civil War History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07
Karen R. Roybal

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Pasadena before the Roses: Race, Identity, and Land Use in Southern California, 1771–1890 by Yvette J. Saavedra
  • Karen R. Roybal
Pasadena before the Roses: Race, Identity, and Land Use in Southern California, 1771–1890. Yvette J. Saavedra. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2018. ISBN 978-0-8165-3553-8. 267 pp., cloth, $45.00.

In Pasadena before the Roses: Race, Identity, and Land Use in Southern California, 1771–1890, Yvette J. Saavedra traces the formation of racial identity and shifting ideas about land use in southern California over the span of more than a hundred years. She reveals how, aside from historians' objectives in helping us understand our pasts, their work can also better help us understand our places in the present. Saavedra's book centers on Pasadena, California, a place we now associate with the Tournament of Roses Parade, held every summer to acknowledge the birth of the city originally established as the San Gabriel Mission. However, as Saavedra reminds us, the region's history should also be characterized by the ways shifting spatiotemporal boundaries, vexed race relations, and economic growth contributed to a multilayered history of Pasadena in which the original peoples of the land, the Tongva, and later, Spanish and Mexicano landowners were displaced physically, socially, and politically. Considered from this vantage point, Pasadena before the Roses decenters Euro-American pioneer history and recognizes how "competing visions" and "dynamic continuities" of land-use philosophies and attempts to maintain social and political power manifested themselves through differing ideologies influenced by the mission, rancho, and homestead periods (4).

Saavedra performed extensive archival research in crafting this project. In Pasadena Before the Roses, not only does she provide robust evidence about the ways power shifted over time as physical and economic displacement occurred through at least three cycles of colonization in what would become the American West, but importantly, this work also contributes to a genealogy of research on this significant period conducted by an impressive cadre of Chicana historians. In her investigation of Californio history, Saavedra both contributes to and distinguishes herself from her contemporaries. Notably, she emphasizes how culturally subjective [End Page 141] ideas about race and competing ideas about proper land use were shared points of contention that in turn influenced Native and Mexicano displacement and elevated Euro-American superiority.

The book is organized into three sections: the Mission Period, Rise of the Rancho, and the American Period. In chapter 1, Saavedra addresses how the Spanish colonial project in the New World was firmly rooted in establishing missions through which Indigenous labor, displacement, and religious conversion allowed missionaries and the Spanish military to create and maintain the encomienda. Really, this system was a form of slavery that emphasized the casta system, the eradication of Native spiritual practice, and the establishment of unequal gender hierarchies based on patriarchal power structures. Chapter 2 emphasizes how Mexican liberalism post–Mexican War of Independence influenced Californio elites to progress toward private land-ownership practices through which they could amass sizeable portions of land that they thought reflected their privilege and prosperity in Alta California. As Saavedra describes in chapters 3 and 4, one way Californios enacted this shift was by establishing ranchos, which signified secularization and a more discriminating racial hierarchy. Through this process, landed Californios distinguished themselves from "inferior Indians," whom they relied on for their labor and secured the Indigenous populations' position as the lower landed class.

One of Saavedra's most significant contributions to scholarship on this period is her discussion of how land ownership became deeply entrenched in racialized masculinity. Though they would lose their status and control of land not long after the rancho system began, Californios were concerned with maintaining honor, distinction, and status. Saavedra reminds us that as patriarchs of their families, Californios had to demonstrate they could control their land and their wives, which they attempted by flaunting their wealth and women during lavish fiestas; these indulgences were partly to blame for their eventual demise. Chapters 5 and 6 take us to the American period in which Euro-American males made their way West, inserted themselves within elite Californio families through marriage, and were strategic in planning to displace and...


玫瑰前的帕萨迪纳:1771-1890年在南加州的种族,身份和土地利用,作者:伊维特·J·萨维德拉(Yvette J. Saavedra)(评论)



  • 玫瑰前的帕萨迪纳(Pasadena):1771年至1890年,南加州的种族,身份和土地利用,作者Yvette J. Saavedra
  • 凯伦·罗巴尔(Karen R.Roybal)
玫瑰前的帕萨迪纳(Pasadena):1771-1890年在南加州的种族,身份和土地利用。伊薇特·J·萨维德拉(Yvette J.Saavedra)。图森:亚利桑那大学出版社,2018年。ISBN978-0-8165-3553-8。267 pp。,布,$ 45.00。

帕萨迪纳玫瑰之前:种族,身份,和土地利用在南加州,1771年至1890年,伊维特·J·萨维德拉(Yvette J. Saavedra)追溯了一百多年间加利福尼亚南部南部种族认同的形成以及关于土地使用的观念转变。她揭示了除了历史学家帮助我们了解过去的目标之外,他们的工作还可以如何更好地帮助我们了解当前的位置。Saavedra的书以加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市为中心,现在我们与玫瑰巡游锦标赛相关联,每年夏天都会举行该盛会,以纪念最初建立为圣加布里埃尔传教团的城市的诞生。但是,正如Saavedra提醒我们的那样,该地区的历史还应该以改变时空边界,烦恼的种族关系和经济增长为特征的帕萨迪纳历史发展,在该历史中,帕萨迪纳的原住民,通瓦人和后来的人民,西班牙人和墨西哥人的地主在身体,社会和政治上流离失所。从这个有利的角度考虑,玫瑰花问世之前的帕萨迪纳使欧美先驱者的历史陷入歧途,并认识到土地使用哲学的“竞争视野”和“动态连续性”以及维持社会和政治权力的尝试是如何通过受使命,牧场和宅基地时期影响的不同意识形态体现出来的(4)。

Saavedra在制作此项目时进行了广泛的档案研究。在《玫瑰之前的帕萨迪纳》中,她不仅提供了有力的证据来证明随着时间的推移,随着至少三个殖民时期的物理和经济流离失所而发生了权力转移,而这个殖民地将成为美国西部,但重要的是,这项工作也为人类的发展做出了贡献。奇卡纳历史学家的一支令人印象深刻的干部对这一重要时期的研究进行了族谱研究。在对加州历史的考察中,萨维德拉既为当代人做出了贡献,又使自己与众不同。值得注意的是,她强调了文化上的主观[End Page 141] 关于种族的观念和关于合理使用土地的竞争观念是共同的争论点,这反过来又影响了印第安人和墨西哥人的流离失所,并提高了欧美优势。


