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Conspicuous Gallantry: The Civil War and Reconstruction Letters of James W. King, 11th Michigan Volunteer Infantry ed. by Eric R. Faust, and: The 11th Michigan Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War: A History and Roster by Eric R. Faust (review)
Civil War History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07
Jason R. Kluk

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Reviewed by:

  • Conspicuous Gallantry: The Civil War and Reconstruction Letters of James W. King, 11th Michigan Volunteer Infantry ed. by Eric R. Faust, and: The 11th Michigan Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War: A History and Roster by Eric R. Faust
  • Jason R. Kluk
Conspicuous Gallantry: The Civil War and Reconstruction Letters of James W. King, 11th Michigan Volunteer Infantry. Edited by Eric R. Faust. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2015. ISBN 978-1-60635-243-4, 304 pp., cloth, $45.00. The 11th Michigan Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War: A History and Roster. Eric R. Faust. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. ISBN 978-1-4766-6316-6, 252 pp., paper, $39.95.

Eric R. Faust, currently a software engineer, is the great-great grandson of James W. King, who served in the Eleventh Michigan Volunteer Infantry. A lifelong enthusiast of the Civil War, Faust sets out to prove why the Eleventh Michigan deserves recognition, recovering it from obscurity among the myriad of countless regimental histories. He accomplishes this undertaking through two new publications on this little known unit of Wolverines. Both Conspicuous Gallantry and The 11th Michigan Volunteer Infantry provide thorough examinations of their meritorious service throughout the conflict.

Faust's familial connection provided the motivation to research and edit this project into Conspicuous Gallantry, a collection of letters between King and his friends and family. James King's commentary indicates he was educated and well read, which adds to the readability of this tome. Multiple characteristics place this compilation apart from other such volumes. These letters are not merely confined to King's service in the war but also speak of his transition back into civilian life and show the true experience of being a soldier involved in more than fighting battles. Also present in his communiqués is the courtship between him and Sarah Jane "Jenny" Babcock, his future wife. James W. King and the men who volunteered to fight in August 1861 had little idea what to expect. The bulk of the letters explain the monotony of camp life, as most of the time spent in the army was encamped or on the march. Additionally, King's letters bring to light with vivid clarity the [End Page 157] toughest enemy the soldiers faced, disease, observing as early as January 1862 that "sickness will kill more than the leaden ball" (36). Holding posts of clerk, hospital aide, and quartermaster sergeant provided King with an exceptional perspective to observe camp life.

King's letters show the Victorian Age courting process, as well. Often, both James and Jenny were too shy to fully express their feelings, and on one occasion it was clear that Jenny asked, out of embarrassment, that a letter be burned once it was read. As James becomes hardened by war, he is bolder in expressing his feelings and love openly. The survival of letters following King's active duty in the Union army is another unique quality of the collection. James and his new bride moved to the South in 1866, hoping to make a profit farming cotton. These letters dispel the common conception of the carpetbagger; rather, the King family was well received and made an honest attempt to assimilate with the former Confederates. While the majority of James King's writings express monotony, the Eleventh Michigan participated in major engagements. For the most part, James experienced little of direct battle, due to his role with the quartermaster, and he often was miles from the front. However, during the battle of Missionary Ridge, King charged ahead of the regiment on two occasions. In each, he was one of the first Union troops to meet the enemy. For his efforts, he received a severe wound to his right arm, but his gallantry that day would earn him a nomination for the Medal of Honor.

Readers who are interested in more about the regiment can find it presented in Faust's second book, The 11th Michigan Volunteer Infantry. In this work, the author further cements his argument that not only his relative King but the entire unit has suffered from an unfair anonymity. The Eleventh Michigan has gone unnoticed in large part because of the...


显着的英勇勋章:内战和詹姆斯·W·金(James W. King)的重建书信,密歇根州第11步兵团编辑。埃里克·福斯特(Eric R. Faust),以及:内战中的第11密歇根州志愿步兵:历史与名册埃里克·福斯特(Eric R. Faust)



  • 显着的勇敢:内战和詹姆斯·W·金(James W. King)的重建书信,密歇根州第11步兵团编辑。埃里克·福斯特(Eric R. Faust),以及:内战中的第11密歇根州志愿步兵:埃里克·福斯特(Eric R. Faust)的历史和名册
  • 杰森·克鲁克(Jason R.Kluk)
英勇的英勇:内战和密西根州第11步兵步兵詹姆斯·金(James W. King)的重建书信。埃里克·浮士德(Eric R. Faust)编辑。俄亥俄州肯特:肯特州立大学出版社,2015年。ISBN 978-1-60635-243-4,304页,布,$ 45.00。内战中的第11密歇根州志愿步兵:历史与名册。埃里克·浮士德(Eric R. 北卡罗来纳州杰斐逊:McFarland,2016. ISBN 978-1-4766-6316-6,252页,纸,$ 39.95。

埃里克·福斯特(Eric R. Faust)目前是一名软件工程师,是詹姆斯·金(James W. King)的曾孙,他曾在密歇根第11步兵团服役。作为内战的终生爱好者,浮士德(Faust)着手证明为什么第十一密歇根州应得到认可,从无数无数的团史中将其从默默无闻中恢复过来。他通过在这只鲜为人知的金刚狼队中的两本新出版物来完成这项任务。这两个显眼的英勇第11届密歇根州志愿步兵提供整个冲突的功勋彻底检验。

浮士德的家族关系为研究和编辑该项目提供了动力,并将其编辑成“显眼的政府”。,是金与他的朋友和家人之间的一封信。詹姆斯·金(James King)的评论表明他受过良好的教育和阅读,这增加了此书的可读性。多种特性使该编译与其他此类卷分开。这些信件不仅限于国王在战争中的服务,而且还谈到了他重返平民生活的经历,并显示出他是一名真正参与战斗而不只是战斗的士兵的真实经历。他与他的未来妻子莎拉·简·“珍妮”·巴布科克之间的求爱也出现在他的公报中。詹姆斯·W·金(James W. King)和1861年8月自愿参加战斗的人们不知道会发生什么。大部分信件解释了营地生活的单调性,因为大部分时间都在军队中扎营或前进。另外,国王[结束第157页]士兵们面对的最坚强的敌人,疾病,早在1862年1月就观察到“疾病比铅球杀死得更多”(36)。店员,医院助手和军需官中士的职位为金提供了观察营地生活的独特视角。

金的信件也显示了维多利亚时代的求爱过程。詹姆斯和詹妮经常都太害羞而无法充分表达自己的感受,有一次很明显,詹妮出于尴尬的要求,一读信便将其烧掉。随着詹姆斯因战争而变得坚强,他更加大胆地公开表达自己的感情和爱心。金在联邦军队中现役后的存亡是该系列另一个独特的品质。詹姆斯和他的新婚新娘于1866年移居南方,希望从种植棉花中获利。这些字母消除了地毯式漏斗的常见概念。相反,国王家族受到了欢迎,并做出了诚实的尝试,以与前同盟国同化。尽管詹姆斯·金(James King)的大多数作品都表现出单调,但密歇根州第十一大学却参与了重大活动。在大多数情况下,詹姆斯因担任军需官而很少经历直接战斗,而且他经常离前线很远。但是,在宣教岭的战斗中,金两次向该军冲锋。在每种情况下,他都是首批与敌人会面的联盟部队之一。由于他的努力,他的右手臂受到了重伤,但是那天的勤奋工作将使他获得荣誉勋章的提名。

