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Direct observation of deterministic macroscopic entanglement
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07 , DOI: 10.1126/science.abf2998
Shlomi Kotler 1, 2 , Gabriel A. Peterson 1, 2 , Ezad Shojaee 1, 2 , Florent Lecocq 1, 2 , Katarina Cicak 1 , Alex Kwiatkowski 1, 2 , Shawn Geller 1, 2 , Scott Glancy 1 , Emanuel Knill 1, 3 , Raymond W. Simmonds 1 , José Aumentado 1 , John D. Teufel 1

Quantum entanglement of mechanical systems emerges when distinct objects move with such a high degree of correlation that they can no longer be described separately. Although quantum mechanics presumably applies to objects of all sizes, directly observing entanglement becomes challenging as masses increase, requiring measurement and control with a vanishingly small error. Here, using pulsed electromechanics, we deterministically entangle two mechanical drumheads with masses of 70 picograms. Through nearly quantum-limited measurements of the position and momentum quadratures of both drums, we perform quantum state tomography and thereby directly observe entanglement. Such entangled macroscopic systems are poised to serve in fundamental tests of quantum mechanics, enable sensing beyond the standard quantum limit, and function as long-lived nodes of future quantum networks.



