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Residual Stress Heterogeneity Induced By Powder Metallurgy Gear Manufacturing Chains
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s40684-021-00317-8
Lucas Robatto , Ronnie Rego , Victor Righetti , Gilmar Thim , Anderson Borille

Powder metallurgy represents an alternative to increase sustainability in the manufacturing of automotive gears, but its potential is hindered by a certain lack of knowledge on surface integrity properties that can impair the gear performance. This study explores the effects of the microstructural differences induced by this chain on the residual stress heterogeneity state of gears. X-ray diffraction methods of macro residual stress mapping and line profile analysis were applied for measurements of gear teeth after subsequent steps of the powder metallurgy and the conventional wrought steel chains. The powder metallurgy chain induced more pronounced heterogeneities than the conventional manufacturing, characterized by non-uniform residual stress distributions along the lead and the involute profiles of gear flanks. These non-uniformities observed after carburizing were traced back to the previous steps, surface densification, sintering and compaction. The residual stress distribution patterns of these steps were compatible with the plasticity dynamics of each manufacturing process. Such surface integrity heterogeneities result in a residual stress gradient along the gears functional surface, exposing particular regions to be more susceptible to fatigue effects.



