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Penaeid Shrimp in Chesapeake Bay: Population Growth and Black Gill Disease Syndrome
Marine and Coastal Fisheries ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.1002/mcf2.10143
Troy D. Tuckey 1 , Jillian L. Swinford 2 , Mary C. Fabrizio 1 , Hamish J. Small 1 , Jeffrey D. Shields 1

Since 1991, the number of penaeid shrimp occurring in Virginia waters of Chesapeake Bay has steadily increased, prompting an interest in developing a fishery. Although development of a shrimp fishery in the Chesapeake Bay region could bring economic benefits, the fishery may be hampered by the presence of a disease syndrome known as shrimp black gill (sBG). The objectives of our study were to (1) describe the spatial distribution and abundance patterns of shrimp in Chesapeake Bay, (2) relate relative abundance of shrimp to habitat characteristics, and (3) determine the presence and seasonality of sBG to better understand disease dynamics in the region. Subadult penaeid shrimp were collected monthly from Virginia waters by trawl from 1991 to 2017, and individuals were identified to species and counted. White shrimp Litopenaeus setiferus were the most numerous species captured, followed by brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus aztecus and pink shrimp F. duorarum. Shrimp were captured primarily from July to December. White shrimp were the only species that exhibited visible signs of sBG, which was first observed in October 2016 (13.4% prevalence); the condition continued into November and recurred the following year. Shrimp with visible signs of gill disease were examined by microscopy, histology, and PCR assay and were diagnosed with infections of a histophagous apostome ciliate, presumably Hyalophysa lynni. Any impacts of sBG on shrimp survival or marketability should be considered in fishery management plans to ensure sustainability of the resource.



自1991年以来,切萨皮克湾弗吉尼亚水域的对虾数量稳步增加,这激发了人们对发展渔业的兴趣。尽管在切萨皮克湾地区发展虾类捕捞业可以带来经济利益,但该疾病可能因称为虾黑g(sBG)的疾病综合征而受到阻碍。我们的研究目标是(1)描述切萨皮克湾虾的空间分布和丰度模式,(2)将虾的相对丰度与栖息地特征相关联,(3)确定sBG的存在和季节性以更好地了解疾病该地区的动态。从1991年至2017年,每月从弗吉尼亚水域收集拖网捕捞的亚成年对虾,并对个体进行物种鉴定和计数。白虾对虾是捕获的最多种类,其次是棕色虾Farfantepenaeus aztecus和粉红色虾F. duorarum。捕获的虾主要是从7月到12月。白虾是唯一出现可见sBG迹象的物种,该物种于2016年10月首次发现(盛行率13.4%)。这种情况一直持续到十一月,第二年再次出现。通过显微镜检查,组织学检查和PCR检测对具有明显of病迹象的虾进行检查,并诊断为感染了组织吞噬性的直纹纤毛纤毛,大概是Hyalophysa lynni。在渔业管理计划中应考虑sBG对虾存活或可销售性的任何影响,以确保资源的可持续性。