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Child Sexual Abuse, Academic Functioning and Educational Outcomes in Emerging Adulthood
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-08 , DOI: 10.1080/10538712.2020.1847228
Jazlyn M Mitchell 1 , Kathryn A Becker-Blease 1 , Raechel N Soicher 1


In many parts of the world, emerging adults, aged 18 to 25 years old, require education beyond high school to transition to a stable, secure adulthood. Child abuse, trauma, victimization, and adversity have been shown to negatively affect academic functioning and educational attainment during childhood and adolescence. Despite this, many emerging adults who have experienced these adverse events also show remarkable resilience. Understanding both maladaptation and resilience among emerging adults will inform efforts to increase academic success and post-secondary educational attainment. In the current review, we synthesize literature on associations between child sexual abuse and academic functioning and educational outcomes in emerging adults and college students, including possible social, emotional, and cognitive mediators. We find initial evidence that academic functioning and educational outcomes are separable, with more research needed on reasons for leaving college other than low grades, more research on community colleges, trade schools, on-the-job training, military training, and other sites of post-secondary learning, and as well as the antecedents and consequences of academic experiences in emerging adulthood. Overall, we have a limited understanding of the social and emotional functioning important to educational success in college and other post-secondary educational settings.




在世界许多地方,18 至 25 岁的新兴成年人需要高中以上的教育才能过渡到稳定、安全的成年期。儿童虐待、创伤、受害和逆境已被证明会对儿童期和青春期的学业运作和教育成就产生负面影响。尽管如此,许多经历过这些不良事件的新兴成年人也表现出非凡的适应能力。了解新兴成年人的适应不良和适应力,将为提高学业成功和中学后教育程度的努力提供信息。在当前的综述中,我们综合了有关儿童性虐待与新兴成人和大学生的学业功能和教育成果之间关联的文献,包括可能的社会、情感和认知中介。我们发现初步证据表明,学术功能和教育成果是可分离的,需要更多研究除低年级以外的离开大学的原因,更多研究社区学院、贸易学校、在职培训、军事训练和其他网站中学后学习,以及成年后学术经历的前因和后果。总的来说,我们对在大学和其他高等教育环境中对教育成功很重要的社会和情感功能了解有限。以及成年后学术经历的前因和后果。总的来说,我们对在大学和其他高等教育环境中对教育成功很重要的社会和情感功能了解有限。以及成年后学术经历的前因和后果。总的来说,我们对在大学和其他高等教育环境中对教育成功很重要的社会和情感功能了解有限。
