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History of the medical education accreditation system in Korea: implementation and activities in the early stages.
Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-21 , DOI: 10.3352/jeehp.2020.17.29
Kwang-ho Meng 1

Following the opening of 12 new medical schools in Korea in the 1980s, standardization and accreditation of medical schools came to the forefront in the early 1990s. To address the medical community’s concerns about the quality of medical education, the Korean Council for University Education and Ministry of Education conducted a compulsory medical school evaluation in 1996 to see whether medical schools were meeting academic standards or not. This evaluation was, however, a norm-referenced assessment, rather than a criterion-referenced assessment. As a result, the Accreditation Board for Medical Education in Korea (ABMEK) was founded in 1998 as a voluntary organization by the medical community. With full support of the Korean medical community, ABMEK completed its 1st cycle of evaluations of all 41 medical schools from 2000 to 2004. In 2004, ABMEK changed its name to the Korean Institute of Medical Education and Evaluation (KIMEE) as a corporate body. After that, the Korean government paid closer attention to its voluntary accreditation activities. In 2014, the Ministry of Education officially recognized the KIMEE as the 1st professional institute for higher education evaluation and accreditation. The most important lesson learned from ABMEK/KIMEE is the importance of collaboration among all medical education-related organizations, including the Korean Medical Association.



继 1980 年代在韩国开设 12 所新医学院之后,医学院的标准化和认证在 1990 年代初走在前列。为了解决医学界对医学教育质量的担忧,韩国大学教育委员会和教育部于 1996 年对医学院校进行了强制性评估,以了解医学院校是否达到学术标准。然而,这种评估是一个规范参考评估,而不是一个标准参考评估。因此,韩国医学教育认证委员会 (ABMEK) 于 1998 年成立,是医学界的一个志愿组织。在韩国医学界的全力支持下,ABMEK 完成了 2000 年至 2004 年对所有 41 所医学院的第一轮评估。2004 年,ABMEK 更名为韩国医学教育与评估研究所 (KIMEE) 作为法人团体。此后,韩国政府更加关注其自愿认证活动。2014年,教育部正式承认KIMEE为第一所高等教育评估认证专业机构。从 ABMEK/KIMEE 中学到的最重要的一课是所有医学教育相关组织(包括韩国医学会)之间合作的重要性。教育部正式承认KIMEE为第一所高等教育评估认证专业机构。从 ABMEK/KIMEE 中学到的最重要的一课是所有医学教育相关组织(包括韩国医学会)之间合作的重要性。教育部正式承认KIMEE为第一所高等教育评估认证专业机构。从 ABMEK/KIMEE 中学到的最重要的一课是所有医学教育相关组织(包括韩国医学会)之间合作的重要性。