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The Japanese Concept of Amae : New Light on Henri Nouwen’s Experience of Depression
Pastoral Psychology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s11089-021-00953-6
Kenjiro Uemura

This paper aims at showing that a renowned Catholic priest Henri Nouwen was suffering from strong unmet amae or the desire to be loved during his depressive experience. Through the Japanese unique concept of amae, new light is shed on Nouwen’s depression. First, the author explains the concept of amae, giving two examples from Western works. Second, he argues that Nouwen’s amae emotions can mainly be found in his work The Inner Voice of Love. Third, Nouwen’s famous concept of the ‘wounded healer’ is discussed in connection with training analysis, and it is contended that training analysis requires the analysand to confront the shadow aspects of their personality, one of which is negative amae emotion, such as childishness or immaturity. Fourth, it is contended that Nouwen’s depression played a part in his self-analysis. In overcoming his depression, Nouwen managed to come to terms with his amae and bodiliness. The article explores Nouwen’s depression from a holistic standpoint. In addition, the author argues that the concept of amae can help individuals understand their desire to be loved from the very early stage of infancy to adulthood.


日本的Amae概念:Henri Nouwen的抑郁症经历的新见解

本文旨在表明,一位著名的天主教神父亨利·诺文(Henri Nouwen)在沮丧的经历中遭受了强烈的未满足的天赋或渴望被爱的痛苦。通过日本独特的amae概念,诺文的抑郁症有了新的发现。首先,作者解释amae的概念,并举例说明西方作品中的两个例子。其次,他认为诺文的amae情感主要可以在他的作品《爱的内心之声》中找到。第三,结合训练分析讨论了诺文的著名的“受伤的治疗者”概念,并认为训练分析需要分析者面对其性格的阴影方面,其中之一是负面的阿美。情绪,例如幼稚或不成熟。第四,有人认为诺文的沮丧在他的自我分析中发挥了作用。在克服沮丧的过程中,诺文设法适应了自己的身体和身体。本文从整体的角度探讨了诺文的沮丧情绪。此外,作者认为amae的概念可以帮助个人从婴儿期到成年的早期就了解自己被爱的渴望。
