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Framework for Educational Domain-Based Multichatbot Communication System
Scientific Programming Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/5518309
Zojan Memon 1 , Hamideh Aghian 2 , Muhammad Shahzad Sarfraz 3 , Akhtar Hussain Jalbani 4 , Rozita Jamili Oskouei 2 , Khuda Bux Jalbani 5 , Ghulam Hussain Jalbani 4

Education is an area where innovation moves slowly. In this study, we will propose a framework with a novel approach that will support the development of a multi-interactive chatbot’s system for an educational area using AIML 2.0. The system will facilitate the students for their learning towards an outcome-based education domain. The proposed framework will be composed of a user module which consists of user and user interface, chat agents module which will respond to the user query, chatbot KB which will act as the brain for the chatbot system, and socket system for establishing the communication link. Finally, the proposed system will be evaluated using a confusion matrix. The multichatbot communication system will support text-based dialogues on a limited set of questions related to education. However, the system will be implemented in java. The outcomes of this research will be useful for the education sector where these intelligent systems will help the students in schools, universities, and other training scenarios.



教育是创新缓慢发展的领域。在这项研究中,我们将提出一个具有新颖方法的框架,该框架将支持使用AIML 2.0的教育领域的多交互聊天机器人系统的开发。该系统将帮助学生学习基于结果的教育领域。提议的框架将由一个由用户和用户界面组成的用户模块,将响应用户查询的聊天代理模块,将充当聊天机器人系统的大脑的聊天机器人KB以及用于建立通信链接的套接字系统组成。最后,将使用混淆矩阵对提出的系统进行评估。多聊天机器人通信系统将支持基于文本的对话,涉及与教育有关的有限问题。但是,该系统将用Java实现。