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American Black Duck Nesting Ecology in North Carolina
Journal of Wildlife Management ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22062
Daniel M. Lawson 1 , Christopher K. Williams 1 , Douglas L. Howell 2 , Joseph C. Fuller 2

North Carolina, USA, is the southernmost extent of the American black duck's (Anas rubripes) breeding range; however, little is known about their nesting ecology in this region. We located and monitored 140 nesting black ducks over 2 years (2017–2018) to quantify preferred nesting habitat and assess nesting productivity within coastal North Carolina. We located nests in brackish marshes (75%) and man-made dredge spoil islands (25%) at a density of 1 nest/22 ha. Black ducks selected high marsh and nested an average of 21.81 m from open water at a mean elevation of 1.36 m. In preferred nesting habitat, visual obstruction readings were 0.50 m with a maximum mean vegetation height of 0.81 m and land cover consisted largely of grasses (84.6%). Apparent nest success rates varied from 31% (2017) to 63% (2018) across years. The majority (72.2%) of variability in nest success was best predicted by nest location (mainland marsh, natural island, or spoil island), vegetation density, maximum vegetation height, and year. Management for breeding black ducks in coastal North Carolina should focus on promoting selected nesting habitat and reducing nest predators. Prescribed burns, used to set back succession on spoil islands and in brackish marshes should be conducted in the winter or in the early growing season not to exceed the twenty-fifth quantile date of black duck nest initiation (2 Apr). © 2021 The Wildlife Society.



美国北卡罗来纳州是美国黑鸭(Anas rubripes)的最南端) 养殖范围;然而,人们对它们在该地区的筑巢生态知之甚少。我们在 2 年(2017-2018 年)内定位并监测了 140 只筑巢黑鸭,以量化首选筑巢栖息地并评估北卡罗来纳州沿海地区的筑巢生产力。我们在咸水沼泽 (75%) 和人造疏浚弃土岛 (25%) 中找到巢穴,密度为 1 个巢穴/22 公顷。黑鸭选择高沼泽地,在平均海拔1.36 m的开阔水域平均筑巢21.81 m。在优选的筑巢栖息地,视觉障碍读数为 0.50 m,最大平均植被高度为 0.81 m,土地覆盖主要由草组成 (84.6%)。多年来,明显的筑巢成功率从 31%(2017 年)到 63%(2018 年)不等。筑巢成功率的大部分 (72.2%) 变化最好通过筑巢位置(大陆沼泽、自然岛屿、或弃土岛)、植被密度、最大植被高度和年份。在北卡罗来纳州沿海地区饲养黑鸭的管理应侧重于促进选定的筑巢栖息地和减少筑巢捕食者。用于在弃土岛和咸水沼泽中推迟演替的规定烧毁应在冬季或生长早期进行,不得超过黑鸭筑巢开始的第 25 个分位数日期(4 月 2 日)。© 2021 野生动物协会。用于在弃土岛和咸水沼泽中进行倒退演替应在冬季或生长初期进行,不得超过黑鸭筑巢开始的第 25 个分位数日期(4 月 2 日)。© 2021 野生动物协会。用于在弃土岛和咸水沼泽中进行倒退演替应在冬季或生长初期进行,不得超过黑鸭筑巢开始的第 25 个分位数日期(4 月 2 日)。© 2021 野生动物协会。