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Simulation-based Evaluation of Hydrographic Data Analysis for Dune Tracking on the River Rhine
PFG-Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s41064-021-00145-0
Felix Lorenz , Thomas Artz , Thomas Brüggemann , Julius Reich , Robert Weiß , Axel Winterscheid

Knowledge of the static and morphodynamic components of the river bed is important for the maintenance of waterways. Under the action of a current, parts of the river bed sediments can move in the form of dunes. Recordings of the river bed by multibeam echosounding are used as input data within a morphological analysis in order to compute the bedload transport rate using detected dune shape and migration. Before the morphological analysis, a suitable processing of the measurement data is essential to minimize inherent uncertainties. This paper presents a simulation-based evaluation of suitable data processing concepts for vertical sections of bed forms based on a case study at the river Rhine. For the presented spatial approaches, suitable parameter sets are found, which allow the reproduction of nominal dune parameters in the range of a few centimetres. However, if parameter sets are chosen inadequately, the subsequently derived dune parameters can deviate by several decimetres from the simulated truth. A simulation-based workflow is presented, to find the optimal hydrographic data processing strategy for a given dune geometry.



