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Mid-Holocene to present circum-Arabian sea level database: Investigating future coastal ocean inundation risk along the Arabian plate shorelines
Quaternary Science Reviews ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106959
Pankaj Khanna , Alexander Petrovic , Ahmad Ihsan Ramdani , Peter Homewood , Monique Mettraux , Volker Vahrenkamp

The Arabian Peninsula has a unique setting to resolve how proximity to tectonically diverse plate margins, eustacy, and glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) influences coastal sea level fluctuations. New 14C AMS and U series dating of coastal sediments from the western, southern, and eastern plate margins (Al-Wajh and Thuwal, Saudi Arabia; Bar Al-Hikman, Oman; Abu Dhabi, U.A.E) have been integrated with an archive of dated coastal sediments (n = 145, 31 locations). Each dated sample is recalibrated for its elevation based on a high-resolution coastal.

DEM dataset, tidal and tectonic correction, and reservoir correction, to develop a new-suite of relative sea level (RSL) plots, separated into six tectonically distinct zones. A mid-Holocene highstand has been identified in most of the zones (1, 2, 4, 6), however, with complex spatial and temporal variability. No data is available for zone 3, whereas no Holocene highstand was observed in zone 5. The results suggest that eustacy, varying rates of vertical tectonic change (max 1 mm/year) and glacial isostatic adjustment (max 0.5 mm/year) were the major drivers of sea level fluctuations since Mid-Holocene albeit in different proportions along the different sections of Arabian shorelines. Furthermore, the topography of a shoreline, tidal range, and presence/absence of a coastal barrier also significantly influences the coastal inundation. Based on our findings, eastern Arabia will in the near future experience the largest coastal flooding (largest 0–10 m elevation area, > 2 m tidal amplitude, no barriers), followed by western (1–2 m tidal amplitude, discontinuous coral reef barriers) and southern Arabia shorelines (>3 m tidal amplitude, no barriers) shorelines. The presented insights are critical in supporting communities along the coasts of the Arabian Peninsula, who will have to cope with flooding from rising oceans over the next few decades due to climate change.



阿拉伯半岛拥有独特的环境,可以解决与构造差异多样的板块边缘,需求和冰川等静压调整(GIA)的接近程度如何影响沿海海平面波动的问题。来自西部,南部和东部板块边缘(沙特阿拉伯的Al-Wajh和Thuwal;阿曼的Bar Al-Hikman;阿联酋的阿布扎比​​)的沿海沉积物的新的14 C AMS和U系列测年已整合过时的沿海沉积物(n = 145,31个位置)。每个标有日期的样品都将根据高分辨率海岸重新校准其标高。

DEM数据集,潮汐和构造校正以及储层校正,以开发一套新的相对海平面(RSL)图,分为六个构造上不同的区域。然而,在大多数区域(1、2、4、6)已确定了全新世中期的高位,但其时空变化复杂。没有数据可用于第3区,而在第5区则没有观测到全新世高压。结果表明,保持性,垂直构造变化的变化率(最大1毫米/年)和冰川等静压调整(最大0.5毫米/年)是最大的原因。中全新世以来海平面波动的主要驱动力,尽管沿阿拉伯海岸线的不同部分比例不同。此外,海岸线的地形,潮汐范围以及是否存在沿海屏障也都会严重影响沿海淹没。根据我们的发现,阿拉伯东部地区将在不久的将来经历最大的沿海洪水(海拔最大0-10 m,潮汐> 2 m,无障碍),其次是西部(潮汐1-2 m,不连续的珊瑚礁)障碍)和阿拉伯南部海岸线(潮汐振幅大于3 m,无障碍)。提出的见解对于支持阿拉伯半岛沿岸的社区至关重要,由于气候变化,在未来几十年内,阿拉伯半岛的沿海社区将不得不应对不断上升的海洋带来的洪水泛滥。没有障碍)的海岸线。提出的见解对于支持阿拉伯半岛沿岸的社区至关重要,由于气候变化,在未来几十年内,阿拉伯半岛的沿海社区将不得不应对不断上升的海洋带来的洪水泛滥。没有障碍)的海岸线。提出的见解对于支持阿拉伯半岛沿岸的社区至关重要,由于气候变化,在未来几十年内,阿拉伯半岛的沿海社区将不得不应对不断上升的海洋带来的洪水泛滥。
