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Below-threshold CP-odd Higgs boson search via A → Z⁎h at the LHC
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136342
E. Accomando , M. Chapman , A. Maury , S. Moretti

We study the process qq¯,ggAZh in a 2-Higgs Doublet Model Type-II where the mass of the CP-odd Higgs state A is lower than the rest mass of the Z and h particles (the latter being the Standard Model-like Higgs state discovered at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012), i.e., mA<mZ+mh215 GeV. This is a mass range which is not being currently tested by ATLAS and CMS, yet we show that there can be sensitivity to it already during Runs 2 & 3, assuming leptonic decays of the gauge boson and bottom-antibottom quark ones for the Higgs boson.


低于阈值CP-奇数Higgs粒子经由搜索 →  Ž ħ在LHC

我们研究过程 qq¯GG一种žH在2-Higgs Doublet模型II型中,CP奇数希格斯状态A的质量低于Zh粒子的其余质量(后者是在大型强子对撞机中发现的类似标准模型的希格斯状态在2012年),即一种<ž+H215GeV。该质量范围目前尚未通过ATLAS和CMS进行测试,但我们证明了运行2和3中已经对它具有敏感性,假定希格斯玻色子的规子玻色子和底部反底夸克的轻子衰减。 。
