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The science of humanity and the humanity of science: Perspectives on Ed Zigler's contributions to developmental psychopathology and the study of all children
Development and Psychopathology ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.1017/s0954579420002011
Jacob A. Burack , David W. Evans , Jenilee-Sarah Napoleon , Vanessa K. Weva , Natalie Russo , Grace Iarocci

We present this article as a testament to Ed Zigler's commitment to science in the service of humanity and to policy based on conceptually compelling theory and methodologically rigorous science. In doing so, we highlight ways that Ed's universal and inclusive developmental world view, early training as a behaviorist, exacting scientific standards, concern for others, and appreciation of his own roots and upbringing all transformed the way that many different groups of people of all ages and backgrounds are studied, viewed, and intervened with by researchers, policy makers, and society at large. Ed's narrative of development rather than defect, universality rather than difference, and holistic rather than reductionist continues to compel us in the quest for a kinder, more inclusive, and enabling society. Conversely, Ed's behaviorist training as a graduate student also influenced him throughout his career and was essential to his career-long commitment to systemic action in the service of improving the lives of others. We cite the lessons that we, as his descendants, learned from Ed and apply them to our own areas of research with populations that Ed did not study, but had considerable interest in – persons with autism spectrum disorder and Indigenous youth.


人类科学和科学的人性:关于 Ed Zigler 对发展性精神病理学和所有儿童研究的贡献的观点

我们提出这篇文章是为了证明 Ed Zigler 致力于为人类服务的科学以及基于概念上令人信服的理论和方法上严谨的科学的政策。在这样做的过程中,我们强调了 Ed 的普遍和包容性的发展世界观、作为行为主义者的早期训练、严格的科学标准、对他人的关注以及对自己的根源和成长的认识都改变了许多不同群体的人的方式。研究人员、政策制定者和整个社会对年龄和背景进行研究、观察和干预。埃德关于发展而不是缺陷、普遍性而不是差异、整体性而不是还原论的叙述继续迫使我们寻求一个更友善、更具包容性和有利的社会。相反,埃德' 作为研究生的行为主义训练也影响了他的整个职业生涯,并且对于他在整个职业生涯中致力于系统性行动以改善他人生活的承诺至关重要。我们引用了我们作为他的后代从 Ed 那里学到的经验教训,并将其应用于我们自己的研究领域,这些研究领域涉及 Ed 没有研究但对自闭症谱系障碍患者和土著青年具有相当大的兴趣的人群。