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he Effects of Individual Differences, Non-Stationarity, and the Importance of Data Partitioning Decisions for Training and Testing of EEG Cross-Participant Models
Sensors ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.3390/s21093225
Alexander Kamrud , Brett Borghetti , Christine Schubert Kabban

EEG-based deep learning models have trended toward models that are designed to perform classification on any individual (cross-participant models). However, because EEG varies across participants due to non-stationarity and individual differences, certain guidelines must be followed for partitioning data into training, validation, and testing sets, in order for cross-participant models to avoid overestimation of model accuracy. Despite this necessity, the majority of EEG-based cross-participant models have not adopted such guidelines. Furthermore, some data repositories may unwittingly contribute to the problem by providing partitioned test and non-test datasets for reasons such as competition support. In this study, we demonstrate how improper dataset partitioning and the resulting improper training, validation, and testing of a cross-participant model leads to overestimated model accuracy. We demonstrate this mathematically, and empirically, using five publicly available datasets. To build the cross-participant models for these datasets, we replicate published results and demonstrate how the model accuracies are significantly reduced when proper EEG cross-participant model guidelines are followed. Our empirical results show that by not following these guidelines, error rates of cross-participant models can be underestimated between 35% and 3900%. This misrepresentation of model performance for the general population potentially slows scientific progress toward truly high-performing classification models.


