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Maternal behavior and early behavioral ontogeny of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus in Greece
Endangered Species Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.3354/esr01114
AA Karamanlidis 1 , P Dendrinos 1 , F Trillmich 2

ABSTRACT: Understanding behavioral ontogeny is important for the successful conservation of endangered marine mammals. This is particularly the case for phocid seals, as during the early stages of their life they must acquire, largely independently, essential survival skills. We studied the maternal behavior and early behavioral ontogeny of the Mediterranean monk seal, one of the most endangered marine mammals on Earth, by installing a remote-controlled, infrared, video system in a pupping cave in Greece and recording the behavior of 2 adult females and their newborn pups (September 2007 to March 2008). Behavioral observations focused on the monitoring of individual attendance (i.e. percentage of time spent in attendance and attendance time) and the description of interactions. Following parturition, the percentage of time spent in attendance of both mothers and pups decreased gradually as pups developed towards independence. Overall, the pupping cave was used almost continuously by the 4 individuals for 3 to 4 mo. Similarly, attendance times also decreased after parturition. During the first 10 d postpartum, maternal attendance was followed by a 0.5 to 13.8 h absence, during which we presume that the adult females went out foraging. We also detail various in-cave interactions for the first time in Mediterranean monk seals in Greece, including lactations, interactions between mothers and pups, interactions between pups and general seal interactions. Our study increases our understanding of the in-cave behavior of the Mediterranean monk seal, while highlighting the vital role of suitable caves in the reproduction and survival of the species and the necessity to effectively protect this type of habitat.


地中海和尚海豹Monachus monachus在希腊的产妇行为和早期行为个体发育

摘要:了解行为个体发育对于成功保护濒临灭绝的海洋哺乳动物至关重要。对于海豹尤其如此,因为在它们的生命早期,他们必须在很大程度上独立地掌握基本的生存技能。我们通过在希腊的一个化粪池中安装遥控红外视频系统并记录2位成年雌性的行为,研究了地球上最濒危的海洋哺乳动物之一地中海和尚海豹的孕产妇行为和早期行为发生。及其新生幼崽(2007年9月至2008年3月)。行为观察集中于对个人出勤的监控(即,花费在出勤上的时间百分比和出勤时间)以及对交互的描述。分娩后,随着幼崽走向独立,母亲和幼崽出勤的时间百分比逐渐降低。总体而言,该化粪池几乎被4个人连续使用了3到4个月。同样,分娩后出勤时间也减少了。在产后前10天,产妇出勤后缺勤0.5至13.8 h,在此期间,我们假定成年雌性出去觅食。我们还首次详细介绍了希腊地中海僧侣在海中的各种洞穴间互动,包括哺乳期,幼崽之间的互动,幼崽之间的互动以及海豹之间的互动。我们的研究增加了我们对地中海和尚海豹洞穴行为的理解,