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Effects of the Growth Substrate on the Restoration of Stipa capillata L. Populations on Refuse Dumps
Contemporary Problems of Ecology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.1134/s1995425521020062
A. N. Kupriyanov , O. A. Kupriyanov , Yu. A. Manakov , V. I. Ufimtsev


A 5-year-long experiment was carried out to assess the possibility of creating a naturelike community of meadow–steppe plant species with the predomination of Stipa capillata L. on the overburden dump of the Vinogradovskii coal pit in Kemerovo oblast. The dump preparation involved leveling the technogenic eluvium and its subsequent covering with (1) a 10-cm layer of fertile topsoil (FTS) taken from heaps of soil removed and piled prior to the dump formation or (2) a 10-cm layer of potentially fertile undersoil (PFUS) consisting of loesslike loam from the overburden dump. A flat site on a sandstone dump with a lithogenically undeveloped soil layer without the application of FTS or PFUS was used as the control. The herbal–seed mixture (HSM) was procured in summer and fall in Bachatskie Sopki regional botanical reserve on steppe slopes, whose vegetation is constituted by meadow–steppe plant communities with the predomination of S. capillata. The experimental and control sites were monitored for 5 years, from 2015 to 2019. The variant with loamy undersoil provides the best conditions for the growth and development of S. capillata: some individuals start blossoming as early as in the first year; in the third year, all plants blossom and fruit; and, in the fifth year, the share of S. capillata in the total productivity amounts to 83.6%. The plants form a thick sod layer and successfully compete with weeds. In the variant with FTS, the share of S. capillata was 4–8% in 2015–2018 and reached 30.1% only in 2019. The suppression of S. capillata in this variant is caused by the high competitiveness of the species Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski, whose rhizomes were brought to the dump together with FTS from the soil heaps. In the control variant, an S. capillata community was noted in the fifth–fourth years; apparently, it originates from seeds dispersed from the experimental variants.




进行了为期5年的实验,以评估以针茅针茅为主导的草甸草原植物物种创建类似自然的群落的可能性L.位于克麦罗沃州Vinogradovskii煤矿坑的表土堆放场上。堆放场的准备工作涉及对技术性斜坡进行平整,其后用(1)在堆放场形成之前从土壤堆中取出并堆放的10厘米厚的肥沃表土(FTS)覆盖,或(2)一层10厘米厚的可积土。潜在肥沃的土壤(PFUS),由上覆土堆中的黄土状壤土组成。在不使用FTS或PFUS的情况下,在砂岩堆放场上平坦的场地上形成了未成岩的未发育土壤作为对照。草本和种子混合物(HSM)于夏季和秋季在草原斜坡上的Bachatskie Sopki地区植物保护区采购,该植被的植被由草甸-草原植物群落构成,主要为孢菌(S. capillata)。。实验组和对照点为5年进行了监测,从2015年到2019年与肥沃undersoil的变体提供的成长和发展的最佳条件S. capillata:一些人开始早在第一年开花; 第三年,所有植物都开花结果。在第五年中,毛cap链球菌在总生产力中所占的份额为83.6%。这些植物形成厚厚的草皮层并成功地与杂草竞争。在带有FTS的变种中,毛。链球菌的份额在2015–2018年为4–8%,仅在2019年才达到30.1%。该变种对毛cap链球菌的抑制是由于白屈菜属物种的高竞争力引起的。(L.)涅夫斯基(Nevski),其根茎与FTS一起从土壤堆中带到了垃圾场。在对照变体中,在第五到第四年发现了毛细链球菌。显然,它源自实验变体散布的种子。
