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Investigating the impact of site management on distress in refugee sites using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102282
Maria Drakaki , Panagiotis Tzionas

Refugees and migrants (Persons of Concern, PoC) may reside in temporary sites. In the context of site management, protection refers also to preventing or mitigating mental health problems and psychosocial distress, as well as tensions, in order to ensure the well-being including psychosocial well-being of PoC. Besides overcrowding and problems in meeting basic needs, social factors could also affect the well-being and distress of PoC. This paper investigates the influence of site management response in diverse operational sectors on distress and negative emotions of PoC. Therefore, it also aims to assist in providing a tool for measuring the performance of humanitarian response in terms of PoC psychological and social costs. The proposed methodology is based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) and uses a psychological model of emotion in order to forecast emotions of PoC. The FCM concepts include site management indicators as well as past PoC stressors and the output concepts represent the forecasted emotions. The proposed methodology has been applied to a case study of PoC sites in Greece based on historical UNHCR data.



