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Whistler on a Shelf
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: 10.1029/2021ja029403
Anatoly V. Streltsov 1

This study presents results from a numerical study of the guiding of VLF whistler‐mode waves along the ambient magnetic field by the shelf‐like density structures observed by the NASA Van Allen Probes satellites in the equatorial plasmasphere. The shelf‐duct consists of a homogeneous central part “sandwiched” between two density gradients pointing in the same direction. To the best of our knowledge, this type of whistler ducting has never been identified in observations before. Our investigation is based on simulations of the electron‐MHD model, and our goal is to explain the mechanism of providing wave trapping and to reproduce the structure of the observed waves. The main result from this study is that the shelf‐like, field‐aligned density irregularities can indeed guide whistler‐mode waves along the ambient magnetic field with little attenuation, and the parameters of the guided waves are defined by the parameters of the duct. The simulations reproduce the structure of the observed waves reasonably well.



这项研究是通过对赤道等离子体层中NASA Van Allen Probes卫星观测到的架状密度结构沿着VLF吹口哨模式波沿环境磁场的引导进行数值研究的结果。架子管道由一个均匀的中心部分“夹在”两个指向相同方向的密度梯度之间。据我们所知,这种类型的吹气导管从未在观察中被发现过。我们的研究基于电子-MHD模型的仿真,我们的目标是解释提供陷波的机制并重现观察到的波的结构。这项研究的主要结果是,像架子一样,磁场对准的密度不规则确实可以在几乎没有衰减的情况下沿环境磁场引导哨声模式波,并且引导波的参数由管道的参数定义。该模拟相当好地再现了观察到的波的结构。