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Preference of breeding substratum, embryonic development and seed production of honey gourami, Trichogaster chuna (Hamilton, 1822)- An indigenous ornamental fish in demand
Aquaculture ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.736874
Saroj Kumar Swain , Sunil Kumar S. Ail , Sunil Kumar Jena , Mukesh Kumar Bairwa , Satya Narayan Sahoo

The natural stock of Trichogaster chuna (Hamilton, 1822) are gradually declining due to destruction of its habitat and over fishing, continuous exploitation of their wild populations might endanger them. This article evaluates breeding performance of honey gourami using different substratum for nest building, embryonic development and larval rearing in indoor aquarium at different stocking densities. Two hundred numbers of Trichogaster chuna of mean length 34.25 ± 3.06 mm and weight 1.09 ± 0.27 g were procured from ornamental fish traders. Broodstock raising of honey gourami was carried out using mixed zooplankton and live tubifex along with floating pellets thrice a day. Five treatments in triplicates to evaluate the breeding performance with different breeding substratum namely, bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata), cut banana leaf, eichornia plants (Eichhornia crassipes) and thermocol (polystyrene). Better breeding results were seen in Bermuda grass followed by hydrilla and banana leaf in the case of number of eggs released and hatchlings produced. Embryonic development stages were observed and characteristics of each stage were noted. The final mean length, mean weight, length gain, weight gain, specific growth rate survival rate and non specific immune parameters were significantly higher at larvae grown at 2 and 3 nos./ litre reared for 45 days compared to 4 and 5 nos./litre (P < 0.05).


喜糖Trichogaster chuna蜜瓜古拉米的繁殖基质,胚胎发育和种子生产(汉密尔顿,1822年)-本地观赏鱼需求旺盛

由于栖息地的破坏和过度捕鱼,Trichogaster chuna(Hamilton,1822)的自然种群正在逐渐减少,对其野生种群的持续开采可能危及他们。本文评估了在不同放养密度下,使用不同基质在室内水族箱中筑巢,胚胎发育和幼体饲养的蜂蜜古拉米的繁殖性能。两百个Trichogaster chuna从观赏鱼商那里购得平均长度为34.25±3.06毫米,重量为1.09±0.27克的鱼。每天使用三次浮游动物和活体细颈鱼以及漂浮的小球进行亲鱼古拉米鱼的亲鱼饲养。一式三份地评估五种处理方法,以评估不同繁殖基质的繁殖性能,即百慕大草(Cynodon dactylon),水草(Hydrilla verticillata),切香蕉叶,凤梨(Eichhornia crassipes))和Thermocol(聚苯乙烯)。在百慕大草中观察到更好的繁殖结果,其次是水hydr和香蕉叶(如果释放的卵数和孵化出的幼鱼)。观察到胚胎发育阶段,并记录了每个阶段的特征。最终的平均长度,平均体重,体长增加,体重增加,比生长率存活率和非特异性免疫参数在以2和3节/升饲养45天的幼虫上显着高于4和5节/升(P  <0.05)。
