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Focal peritarsal cellulitis with long digital extensor tenosynovitis
Equine Veterinary Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: 10.1111/eve.13482
A. Kalka 1 , P. G. Harding 1 , A. M. Cullimore 1

This study reviews seven cases of focal peritarsal infection with long digital extensor tendon sheath (LoDETS) tenosynovitis, which presented to the same metropolitan equine practice over a 3-year period (2016-2019). All horses presented with acute-onset severe hindlimb lameness, in combination with swelling and pain of the dorsal tarsus. In all cases, tarsal ultrasound demonstrated diffuse thickening of subcutaneous tissues and increased hypoechoic fluid volume in the LoDETS. Sampling and analysis of the LoDETS fluid demonstrated increased nucleated cell count, neutrophil percentage or total protein, consistent with sepsis in 6/7 cases. No bacterial organisms were identified on cytology or culture. Treatment consisted of systemic and local antimicrobial therapies, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and hand walking. Treatment duration ranged from 15 to 33 days. Lameness resolved in five cases; the remaining two cases were euthanised due to complicating factors prior to resolution of lameness. The study demonstrates the use of ultrasound and synovial fluid analysis in the diagnostic work-up of suspected cases of focal peritarsal infection and identifies concurrent sepsis of the LoDETS as a novel finding. The prognosis for resolution of peritarsal cellulitis with concurrent sepsis of the LoDETS is considered good, with early diagnosis and appropriate antimicrobial treatment.



本研究回顾了 7 例长指伸肌腱鞘 (LoDETS) 腱鞘炎的局灶性围感染病例,这些病例在 3 年期间(2016-2019 年)呈现给同一城市马术实践。所有马都出现急性发作的严重后肢跛行,并伴有背跗骨肿胀和疼痛。在所有病例中,睑板超声均显示皮下组织弥漫性增厚和 LoDETS 中低回声液体量增加。LoDETS 液的采样和分析表明有核细胞计数、中性粒细胞百分比或总蛋白增加,与 6/7 病例中的败血症一致。在细胞学或培养上未发现细菌生物。治疗包括全身和局部抗菌治疗、非甾体抗炎药和手行走。治疗持续时间为 15 至 33 天。五个案例解决了跛行问题;在解决跛行之前,由于复杂的因素,其余两例被安乐死。该研究证明了超声和滑液分析在疑似局灶性周围感染病例的诊断工作中的应用,并将 LoDETS 并发脓毒症确定为新发现。LoDETS 并发脓毒症的足周蜂窝织炎消退的预后被认为是良好的,需要早期诊断和适当的抗菌治疗。该研究证明了超声和滑液分析在疑似局灶性周围感染病例的诊断工作中的应用,并将 LoDETS 并发脓毒症确定为新发现。LoDETS 并发脓毒症的足周蜂窝织炎消退的预后被认为是良好的,需要早期诊断和适当的抗菌治疗。该研究证明了超声和滑液分析在疑似局灶性周围感染病例的诊断工作中的应用,并将 LoDETS 并发脓毒症确定为新发现。LoDETS 并发脓毒症的足周蜂窝织炎消退的预后被认为是良好的,需要早期诊断和适当的抗菌治疗。