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Non-Local Enemies or Local Subjects of Violence?: Using Strontium ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr) and Lead ( 206 Pb/ 204 Pb, 207 Pb/ 204 Pb, 208 Pb/ 204 Pb) Isobiographies to Reconstruct Geographic Origins and Early Childhood Mobility of Decapitated Male Heads from the Majes Valley, Peru
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10816-021-09519-5
Beth K. Scaffidi , George D. Kamenov , Ashley E. Sharpe , John Krigbaum

Throughout much of the pre-Hispanic Andes, bioarchaeological and iconographic evidence shows that the decapitation, dismemberment, and display of human heads were important aspects of ritual practices. Researchers have debated about the social identities of these decapitated heads—were they revered local ancestors, non-local enemies captured in raids or war, or locals injured in distant combat partially repatriated for home burial—answers which have distinct implications for understanding the motivations and social contexts of this practice. We describe trophy-taking and trophy-making from the Uraca cemetery in pre-Hispanic Arequipa, Peru. To determine whether these trophies were locals, we employ radiogenic isotope analyses (87Sr/86Sr, 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, 208Pb/204Pb) of tooth enamel from 37 individuals (25 non-trophies and 12 adult male trophies). To understand the degree of childhood mobility that occurred and whether that differed between individuals who became trophies and those who did not, we also examine 87Sr/86Sr, 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, 208Pb/204Pb in paired teeth from infancy/early childhood and middle childhood of 18 individuals (8 non-trophies and 10 trophies). Results show that 20% of the non-trophies and 75% of the trophies were non-local relative to modeled local 87Sr/86Sr and mean (± 2 SD) of lead isotope values. Intra-childhood differences show that the individuals who became trophies experienced more childhood mobility than non-trophy individuals. This suggests Uraca’s external interactions and mobility were structured by violent intergroup raids and warfare throughout the region. Ongoing analyses will extend Uraca’s residential isobiographies to adolescence and late-life, refine the expected range of isotope ratios in the region, and clarify the extent of Majes Valley mobility during the mid-first millennium CE.


非本地敌人或暴力对象?:使用锶(206 Pb / 204 Pb,207 Pb / 204 Pb,208 Pb / 204 Pb)等距传记来重建地理起源和儿童早期流动秘鲁Majes山谷的破烂不堪的男性头像

在整个西班牙裔安第斯山脉之前的大部分时间里,生物考古学和肖像学证据表明,斩首,肢解和展示人的头是礼节习俗的重要方面。研究人员就这些被斩首的团长的社会身份进行了辩论-他们是尊敬的地方祖先,在突袭或战争中被俘的非当地敌人,还是在远距离战斗中受伤的当地人,他们被部分遣送回国埋葬。这种做法的社会背景。我们描述了来自秘鲁西班牙裔阿雷基帕之前的乌拉卡公墓的奖杯取胜和制作奖杯。为了确定这些奖杯是否是本地奖杯,我们使用了放射性同位素分析(87 Sr / 86 Sr,206 Pb / 204牙釉质的Pb,207 Pb / 204 Pb,208 Pb / 204 Pb)(来自25个非奖杯和12个成年男性奖杯)。为了了解发生过童年运动的程度以及获得奖杯的人与未取得奖杯的人之间是否存在差异,我们还研究了87 Sr / 86 Sr,206 Pb / 204 Pb,207 Pb / 204 Pb,208 Pb / 20418个婴儿的婴儿/幼儿和中期的成对牙齿中的Pb(8个非奖杯和10个奖杯)。结果表明,相对于建模的局部87 Sr / 86 Sr和铅同位素平均值(±2 SD),20%的非营养素和75%的营养素是非局部的。童年时代的差异表明,成为奖杯的人比没有奖杯的人经历了更多的童年流动性。这表明,在整个地区,族群之间的暴力互动和战争构成了浦拉岛的外部互动和流动性。正在进行的分析将把Uraca的居民自传扩展到青春期和晚年寿命,细化该地区同位素比率的预期范围,并阐明在公元前一千年中期Majes谷的迁移程度。
