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Enteric and Fecal Methane Emissions from Dairy Cows Fed Grass or Corn Silage Diets Supplemented with Rapeseed Oil
Animals ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: 10.3390/ani11051322
Mohammad Ramin , Juana C. Chagas , Hauke Smidt , Ruth Gomez Exposito , Sophie J. Krizsan

This study evaluated potential trade-offs between enteric methane (CH4) emissions and CH4 emissions from feces of dairy cows fed grass silage or partial replacement of grass silage with corn silage, both with and without supplementation of rapeseed oil. Measured data for eight dairy cows (two blocks) included in a production trial were analyzed. Dietary treatments were grass silage (GS), GS supplemented with rapeseed oil (GS-RSO), GS plus corn silage (GSCS), and GSCS supplemented with rapeseed oil (GSCS-RSO). Feces samples were collected after each period and incubated for nine weeks to estimate fecal CH4 emissions. Including RSO (0.5 kg/d) in the diet decreased dry matter intake (DMI) by 1.75 kg/d. Enteric CH4 emissions were reduced by inclusion of RSO in the diet (on average 473 vs. 607 L/d). In 9-week incubations, there was a trend for lower CH4 emissions from feces of cows fed diets supplemented with RSO (on average 3.45 L/kg DM) than cows with diets not supplemented with RSO (3.84 L/kg DM). Total CH4 emissions (enteric + feces, L/d) were significantly lower for the cows fed diets supplemented with RSO. Total fecal CH4 emissions were similar between treatments, indicating no trade-offs between enteric and fecal CH4 emissions.



这项研究评估了饲喂草青贮饲料或未添加菜籽油的奶牛或用玉米青贮饲料部分替代草青贮饲料的肠道甲烷(CH 4)排放与粪便中CH 4排放之间的潜在权衡。分析了生产试验中八头奶牛(两头)的测量数据。饮食处理包括青贮饲料(GS),补充了菜籽油的GS(GS-RSO),GS加玉米青贮饲料(GSCS)和补充了菜籽油的GSCS(GSCS-RSO)。在每个时期之后收集粪便样品,并孵育九周以估计粪便CH 4排放。在饮食中加入RSO(0.5 kg / d)可使干物质摄入量(DMI)降低1.75 kg / d。肠溶CH 4通过在饮食中加入RSO减少了排放(平均473比607 L / d)。在为期9周的孵化中,趋势是饲喂添加RSO(平均3.45 L / kg DM)的日粮的奶牛粪便中的CH 4排放量低于未添加RSO(3.84 L / kg DM)的日粮。饲喂添加RSO的奶牛的总CH 4排放量(肠+粪便,L / d)显着降低。不同处理之间的粪便CH 4总排放量相似,表明在肠道和粪便CH 4排放之间没有权衡。