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An existence result for anisotropic quasilinear problems
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nonrwa.2021.103345
Oscar Agudelo , Pavel Drábek

We study existence of solutions for a boundary degenerate (or singular) quasilinear equation in a smooth bounded domain under Dirichlet boundary conditions. We consider a weighted p-Laplacian operator with a coefficient that is locally bounded inside the domain and satisfying certain additional integrability assumptions. Our main result applies for boundary value problems involving continuous non-linearities having no growth restriction, but provided the existence of a sub and a supersolution is guaranteed. As an application, we present an existence result for a boundary value problem with a non-linearity f(u) satisfying f(0)0 and having (p1)-sublinear growth at infinity.



我们研究在Dirichlet边界条件下在光滑有界域中的边界退化(或奇异)拟线性方程解的存在性。我们考虑加权p-拉普拉斯算子,其系数在域内局部有界,并且满足某些其他可积性假设。我们的主要结果适用于涉及连续非线性且无增长限制的边值问题,但前提是存在子项和上解是有保证的。作为应用,我们给出了非线性非线性边值问题的存在结果Fü 满意的 F00 并有 p-1个-在无限远处的亚线性增长。
