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Wind-Speed Measurements over Land Using a Doppler Profiler with a 35-GHz Operating Range
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-04 , DOI: 10.1134/s0001433821020109
V. V. Sterlyadkin , D. V. Ermilov , V. M. Kalmykov , K. V. Kulikovsky


In this paper we describe a technique for measuring the tropospheric wind profile using a 35-GHz Doppler profiler. The parameters of the equipment and the accuracy of measurements of the wind parameters are given. An algorithm for estimating wind pulsations at various altitudes is described. The measurement results are compared with the data obtained on the meteorological mast. Examples of measurements under various meteorological conditions, including the registration of jet streams, are given. Differences between experimental and theoretical results when measuring the radar reflectivity of clear sky signals are discussed. Statistical data on the probability of registering radar reflections in various seasons of the year are presented.


使用工作范围为35 GHz的多普勒探查器在陆地上进行风速测量


在本文中,我们描述了一种使用35 GHz多普勒剖面仪测量对流层风廓线的技术。给出了设备的参数和风参数的测量精度。描述了一种用于估计不同高度的风脉动的算法。将测量结果与在气象桅杆上获得的数据进行比较。给出了在各种气象条件下的测量示例,包括射流的配准。讨论了在测量晴朗天空信号的雷达反射率时实验结果与理论结果之间的差异。提供了一年中各个季节记录雷达反射概率的统计数据。
