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Caspian Sea Level Fluctuations in the Neopleistocene (Was There an Atelian Regression?)
Oceanology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-04 , DOI: 10.1134/s0001437021010021
E. N. Badyukova

The article deals with deposits exposed in sections along the rivers of the Caspian lowland and on the eastern slope of the Ergenei. The conclusion is made about the lagoonal origin of chocolate clays lying on high-capacity subaerial and alluvial–deltaic deposits. The impact of the Caspian Sea level rise on coastal processes is examined. Taking into account the regularities in the behavior of the coastal zone during sea level rise, subaerial deposits with such thickness in the outcrops could not have been preserved during the early Khvalynian transgression from –100 m. Another curve of Caspian Sea level fluctuations is proposed, where there is no deep Atelian regression between the Khazarian and Khvalynian transgressions. It is concluded that the Khazarian transgression was one of the largest in the history of the Caspian Sea. Its level was slightly less than that of the Khvalynian transgression. The rise of the level of the latter began not from –100 m, but from about 5–15 m; i.e., this transgression was in fact an oscillation of the Caspian Sea against its gradual regression after the Khazarian transgression. Sea level oscillations contributed to the formation of lagoonal-transgressive terraces, in which chocolate clays accumulated.



这篇文章涉及里海低地河段和埃尔金尼河东坡上暴露的沉积物。得出的结论是,位于高容量地下和冲积-三角洲沉积物上的巧克力黏土的泻湖成因。研究了里海海平面上升对沿海过程的影响。考虑到海平面上升过程中海岸带行为的规律性,在Khvalynian早期海侵–100 m期间,无法保留露头这样厚的地下沉积物。提出了里海海平面波动的另一条曲线,其中在哈扎里人和哈瓦里尼亚人的海侵之间没有深层的阿特里亚式回归。结论是,哈萨克人的犯罪是里海历史上最大的犯罪之一。它的水平略低于赫瓦利尼亚海侵。后者的高度上升不是从–100 m开始,而是从大约5–15 m开始。也就是说,这种海侵实际上是里海在哈扎里海侵之后相对于其逐渐消退的振荡。海平面的振荡导致了泻湖海相阶地的形成,其中积聚了巧克力黏土。
