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Lichen communities on Populus tremula are affected by the density of Picea abies
Applied Vegetation Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12584
Aleksi Nirhamo 1, 2 , Juha Pykälä 3 , Panu Halme 1, 2 , Atte Komonen 1, 2

Aspen (Populus tremula) is declining in the old‐growth forests of boreal Fennoscandia. This threatens the numerous taxa that are dependent on old aspens, including many epiphytic lichens. Potential methods to aid epiphytic lichens on aspen are centered around treatments which affect the density of Norway spruce (Picea abies). In this study, we investigated how epiphytic lichen communities on aspen are affected by the variation of spruce density in the immediate vicinity of the focal aspen.



白杨Populus tremula)在北方的芬诺斯坎迪亚(Fennoscandia)的古老森林中正在下降。这威胁到许多依赖于老白杨的类群,包括许多附生的地衣。可能有助于改善白杨附生地衣的方法主要集中在影响挪威云杉(云杉云杉)密度的治疗方法上。在这项研究中,我们调查了白杨的附生地衣群落如何受到局灶性白杨附近云杉密度变化的影响。