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Characterization of the Complete Chloroplast Genome of Buddleja lindleyana
Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1093/jaoacint/qsab066
Shanshan Liu 1 , Shiyin Feng 2 , Yuying Huang 1 , Wenli An 1 , Zerui Yang 1 , Chunzhu Xie 1 , Xiasheng Zheng 1

Background Buddleja lindleyana Fort., which belongs to the Loganiaceae with a distribution throughout the tropics, is widely used as an ornamental plant in China. There are several morphologically similar species in the genus Buddleja, but the lack of comprehensive molecular and phylogenetic studies makes it difficult to distinguish related species, which hinders further studies of this genus. Objective Using molecular biology techniques to sequence and analyze the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of B. lindleyana. Methods After sequencing of the genomic DNA using next-generation sequencing, a series of bioinformatics software were used to assemble and analyze the molecular structure of the cp genome of B. lindleyana. Results The complete cp genome of B. lindleyana is a circular 154 487-bp-long molecule with a GC (Guanine and Cytosine) content of 38.1%. It has a quadripartite structure, including a LSC region (85 489 base pair (bp)), a small single-copy region (17 898 bp), and a pair of inverted repeat regions (25 550 bp). A total of 133 genes were identified in this genome, including 86 protein-coding genes, 37 tRNA (transfer Ribonucleic Acid) genes, eight rRNA (ribosomal Ribonucleic Acid) genes, and two pseudogenes. Conclusion These results suggest that the B. lindelyana cp genome could be used as a potential genomic resource to resolve the phylogenetic positions and relationships of Loganiaceae, and will offer valuable information for future research in the identification of Buddleja species and will conduce to genomic investigations into these species. Highlights This paper study the B. lindelyana cp genome and it's structural characteristics, and analyze the phylogeny of Loganiaceae.