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Hurricane effects on climate-adaptive silviculture treatments to longleaf pine woodland in southwestern Georgia, USA
Forestry ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-12 , DOI: 10.1093/forestry/cpaa042
Seth W Bigelow 1 , Christopher E Looney 2, 3 , Jeffery B Cannon 1

The Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) network tests silvicultural treatments to promote ‘resistance’ or ‘resilience’ to climate change or speed ‘transition’ to new forest types. Based on projected increases in air temperatures and within-season dry periods in southeastern USA, we installed resistance, resilience and transition treatments involving species selection and varied intensities of density reduction, plus an untreated control, in mixed longleaf pine-hardwood woodland in southwest Georgia USA. Within a year of treatment a tropical cyclone, Hurricane Michael, exposed the site to the unforeseen climatic stress of >44-m s−1 winds. We measured inventory plots post-cyclone and compared the data to pre-storm and pre-treatment values. We analysed stand density index (metric SDI, species maximum value = 1000), stand complexity index (SCI), composition and individual tree characteristics. The ASCC treatments decreased both SDI (from 220 to 124 in the transition treatment) and SCI. The cyclone did not greatly decrease SDI (mean decrease 4.5 per cent) and decreased SCI only in the Controls. Xeric hardwoods were more prone to damage than other functional groups, and ordination showed that the cyclone shifted species composition to greater longleaf pine dominance. Taller trees were more likely to be damaged, except in the resilience treatment, which had a relatively large representation of shorter, more easily damaged xeric hardwoods. The open canopy of the longleaf-hardwood woodland, only 22 per cent of maximum SDI before treatment, evidently fostered wind-firmness, thereby limiting the destructive effect of the cyclone. The sensitivity of xeric hardwoods to hurricane damage suggests that there may be a trade-off between wind tolerance and drought tolerance among functional groups. Maintaining a mixture of drought and wind-resistant species, as in the resilience treatments, may provide broader insurance against multiple climate change impacts in longleaf pine and other forested systems dominated by a single foundation species.



适应气候变化的造林(ASCC)网络测试了造林方法,以促进对气候变化的“抵制”或“抵御力”或加速向新森林类型的“过渡”。根据美国东南部预计的气温升高和季节内的干旱期,我们在佐治亚州西南部的长叶松木-硬木林地中安装了抗性,适应力和过渡处理,包括物种选择和不同密度的降低强度,以及未经处理的控制措施美国。经过一年的治疗,热带气旋迈克尔飓风使该地点暴露于无法预料的> 44-m s -1的气候压力中风。我们测量了旋风分离器后的库存图,并将数据与暴风雨前和预处理值进行了比较。我们分析了林分密度指数(度量SDI,物种最大值= 1000),林分复杂度指数(SCI),组成和单株树木特征。ASCC治疗同时降低了SDI(过渡治疗中从220降至124)和SCI。旋风分离器并没有大大降低SDI(平均降低4.5%),并且仅在对照组中降低了SCI。干燥的硬木比其他官能团更容易受到破坏,整理表明,旋风将物种组成转移到更大的长叶松树优势上。较高的树木更有可能遭到破坏,除了在回弹处理中,矮矮的,较容易损坏的干燥硬木具有较大的代表性。长叶硬木林地的开放冠层,仅占处理前最大SDI的22%,显然促进了风的坚固性,从而限制了旋风的破坏作用。干燥硬木对飓风损害的敏感性表明,功能组之间在耐风性和耐旱性之间可能需要权衡取舍。像在复原力处理中那样,将干旱和抗风树种保持在一起,可以提供更广泛的保障,以防止长叶松树和其他以单一基础树种为主的森林系统受到多种气候变化影响。干燥硬木对飓风损害的敏感性表明,功能组之间在耐风性和耐旱性之间可能需要权衡取舍。像在复原力处理中那样,将干旱和抗风树种保持在一起,可以提供更广泛的保障,以防止长叶松树和其他以单一基础树种为主的森林系统受到多种气候变化影响。干燥硬木对飓风损害的敏感性表明,功能组之间在耐风性和耐旱性之间可能需要权衡取舍。像在复原力处理中那样,将干旱和抗风树种保持在一起,可以提供更广泛的保障,以防止长叶松树和其他以单一基础树种为主的森林系统受到多种气候变化影响。