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Long-lived bi ν o at the LHC
Journal of High Energy Physics ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-04 , DOI: 10.1007/jhep05(2021)020
Julia Gehrlein , Seyda Ipek

We examine the detection prospects for a long-lived biνo, a pseudo-Dirac bino which is responsible for neutrino masses, at the LHC and at dedicated long-lived particle detectors. The biνo arises in U(1)R-symmetric supersymmetric models where the neutrino masses are generated through higher dimensional operators in an inverse seesaw mechanism. At the LHC the biνo is produced through squark decays and it subsequently decays to quarks, charged leptons and missing energy via its mixing with the Standard Model neutrinos. We consider long-lived biνos which escape the ATLAS or CMS detectors as missing energy and decay to charged leptons inside the proposed long-lived particle detectors FASER, CODEX-b, and MATHUSLA. We find the currently allowed region in the squark-biνo mass parameter space by recasting most recent LHC searches for jets+

A preprint version of the article is available at ArXiv.



我们在大型强子对撞机和专用的长寿命粒子探测器上研究了长寿命bi v o(伪狄拉克星)的探测前景,后者是中微子质量的源头。双ν ö出现在U(1)- [R ,其中中微子质量块以相反的跷跷板机构通过更高维的运营商产生-对称超对称的模型。在LHC双ν O是通过squark衰变产生的,并将其随后经由其与标准模型中微子混合衰减到夸克,轻子带电和丢失的能量。我们认为,长寿命的双νos由于缺少能量而逃逸到ATLAS或CMS检测器,并衰减到建议的长寿命粒子检测器FASER,CODEX-b和MATHUSLA中的带电轻子。我们发现在squark-BI当前允许的区域ν通过重铸最近LHC搜索飞机Ø质量参数空间+
