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The tidal stream generated by the globular cluster NGC 3201
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-13 , DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab1024
Carles G Palau 1 , Jordi Miralda-Escudé 1, 2

We detect a tidal stream generated by the globular cluster NGC 3201 extending over ∼140 deg on the sky, using the Gaia DR2 data, with the maximum-likelihood method we presented previously to study the M68 tidal stream. Most of the detected stream is the trailing one, which stretches in the southern Galactic hemisphere and passes within a close distance of 3.2 kpc from the Sun, therefore making the stream highly favourable for discovering relatively bright member stars, while the leading arm is further from us and behind a disc foreground that is harder to separate from. The cluster has just crossed the Galactic disc and is now in the northern Galactic hemisphere, moderately obscured by dust, and the part of the trailing tail closest to the cluster is highly obscured behind the plane. We obtain a best-fitting model of the stream which is consistent with the measured proper motion, radial velocity, and distance to NGC 3201, and show it to be the same as the previously detected Gjöll stream by Ibata et al. We identify ∼200 stars with the highest likelihood of being stream members using only their Gaia kinematic data. Most of these stars (170) are photometrically consistent with being members of NGC 3201 when they are compared to the cluster H–R diagram, only once a correction for dust absorption and reddening by the Galaxy is applied. The remaining stars are consistent with being random foreground objects according to simulated data sets. We list these 170 highly likely stream member stars.


球状星团 NGC 3201 产生的潮汐流

我们使用 Gaia DR2 数据,使用我们之前提出的用于研究 M68 潮汐流的最大似然法,检测到由球状星团 NGC 3201 在天空中延伸超过 140 度产生的潮汐流。大部分探测到的流是尾流,它在南银河半球延伸,并在距离太阳 3.2 kpc 的近距离内通过,因此使得流非常有利于发现相对明亮的成员恒星,而前臂距离太阳更远我们和后面一个更难分离的光盘前景。该星团刚刚越过银盘,现在位于银河系北半球,被尘埃适度遮挡,最靠近星团的尾翼部分在飞机后面被高度遮挡。我们获得了与测量的自行、径向速度和到 NGC 3201 的距离一致的流的最佳拟合模型,并表明它与 Ibata 等人先前检测到的 Gjöll 流相同。我们仅使用其 Gaia 运动学数据确定了 200 颗最有可能成为流成员的恒星。当与星团 H-R 图进行比较时,这些恒星中的大多数(170 颗)在光度上与 NGC 3201 的成员一致,只有在对银河系的尘埃吸收和变红进行了校正后。根据模拟数据集,其余恒星与随机前景物体一致。我们列出了这 170 位极有可能的流成员明星。并显示它与 Ibata 等人先前检测到的 Gjöll 流相同。我们仅使用其 Gaia 运动学数据确定了 200 颗最有可能成为流成员的恒星。当与星团 H-R 图进行比较时,这些恒星中的大多数(170 颗)在光度上与 NGC 3201 的成员一致,只有在对银河系的尘埃吸收和变红进行了校正后。根据模拟数据集,其余恒星与随机前景物体一致。我们列出了这 170 位极有可能的流成员明星。并显示它与 Ibata 等人先前检测到的 Gjöll 流相同。我们仅使用其 Gaia 运动学数据确定了 200 颗最有可能成为流成员的恒星。当与星团 H-R 图进行比较时,这些恒星中的大多数(170 颗)在光度上与 NGC 3201 的成员一致,只有在对银河系的尘埃吸收和变红进行了校正后。根据模拟数据集,其余恒星与随机前景物体一致。我们列出了这 170 位极有可能的流成员明星。只有一次对银河系的灰尘吸收和变红进行校正。根据模拟数据集,其余恒星与随机前景物体一致。我们列出了这 170 位极有可能的流成员明星。只有一次对银河系的灰尘吸收和变红进行校正。根据模拟数据集,其余恒星与随机前景物体一致。我们列出了这 170 位极有可能的流成员明星。