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Domain Adversarial Graph Convolutional Network for Fault Diagnosis Under Variable Working Conditions
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-22 , DOI: 10.1109/tim.2021.3075016
Tianfu Li , Zhibin Zhao , Chuang Sun , Ruqiang Yan , Xuefeng Chen

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA)-based methods have made great progress in mechanical fault diagnosis under variable working conditions. In UDA, three types of information, including class label, domain label, and data structure, are essential to bridging the labeled source domain and unlabeled target domain. However, most existing UDA-based methods use only the former two information and ignore the modeling of data structure, which make the information contained in the features extracted by the deep network incomplete. To tackle this issue, a domain adversarial graph convolutional network (DAGCN) is proposed to model the three types of information in a unified deep network and achieving UDA. The first two types of information are modeled by the classifier and the domain discriminator, respectively. In data structure modeling, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is first employed to exact features from input signals. After that, the CNN features are input to the proposed graph generation layer to construct instance graphs by mining the relationship of structural characteristics of samples. Then, the instance graphs are modeled by a graph convolutional network, and the maximum mean discrepancy metric is leveraged to estimate the structure discrepancy of instance graphs from different domains. Experimental results conducted on two case studies demonstrate that the proposed DAGCN can not only obtain the best performance among the comparison methods, but also can extract transferable features for domain adaptation. The code library is available at: https://github.com/HazeDT/DAGCN .


