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Evaluating the response of the global circuit to the huge volcanic eruption by aerosol coupled chemical climate model
Frontiers in Earth Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-04 , DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.673808
Yushan Xie , Ruyi Zhang , Zhipeng Zhu , Limin Zhou

Global electric circuit could be the key link between the space weather and low atmosphere climate. It has been suggested that the ultrafine aerosol layer in middle to upper stratosphere could set large contribution to the local column resistance and the return current density. In previous work by Tinsley and Zhou (2006), the artificial ultrafine layer was addressed and it caused symmetric significant effect on column resistance in high latitude. In this work we use the update aerosol coupled chemical climate model to establish the new global electric circuit model. The results show that the ultrafine aerosol layer exits in middle stratosphere, but due to the Brewer‐Dobson circulation, there is significant seasonal variation of the ion loss due to the ultrafine aerosol layer variation. In winter hemisphere in high latitude region the column resistance will consequently higher than that in summer hemisphere. With ultrafine aerosol layer in decline phase of solar activity, the column resistance would be more sensitive to the LEE and MEE particle precipitation flux fluctuation.


