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The Doctrine of Divine Simplicity in T.F. Torrance’s Theology
International Journal of Systematic Theology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-04 , DOI: 10.1111/ijst.12478
Sang Hoon Lee 1, 2

This article examines whether T.F. Torrance’s theology can uphold the doctrine of divine simplicity, in a manner consistent with his accounts of the ascension of Jesus, God’s eternity and divine im/passibility. This article indicates that Torrance’s doctrine of simplicity does not fully accord with the traditional one that does not allow for any form of introduction of composites and any historical contingencies into the Being of God. On Torrance’s account, God embraces created temporality and carnality into his eternal Being through Jesus Christ, but that does not undercut the significance of the divine indissoluble oneness by virtue of a christological and trinitarian notion of space. For Torrance, the one God embraces the creaturely others in his infinite, indivisible and comprehensive oneness.



本文考察了 TF Torrance 的神学是否能够以与他对耶稣升天、上帝的永恒和神圣的不可动摇的描述相一致的方式来支持神圣简单的教义。这篇文章表明,托兰斯的简单学说并不完全符合传统的教义,即不允许以任何形式将复合材料和任何历史偶然性引入上帝的存在。根据托兰斯的说法,上帝通过耶稣基督将创造的暂时性和肉体性包含在他永恒的存在中,但这并没有削弱由于基督论和三位一体的空间概念而使神圣不可分割的一体性的重要性。对于托兰斯来说,独一的上帝在他无限、不可分割和全面的一体性中拥抱其他受造物。