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Doing cultural studies in rough seas: the COVID-19 ocean multiple
Cultural Studies ( IF 1.533 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/09502386.2021.1898032
Elspeth Probyn 1


This article seeks to demonstrate what a conjunctural analysis of the oceanic manifestation of COVID-19 might look like. While the ocean has seemingly remained on the periphery during the ongoing pandemic, the marine has nevertheless been deeply affected as a space of more-than-human connection. As we know, it was at a seafood market (The Huanan Seafood Market) that the first signs of the virus allegedly emerged – an event that propelled the circulation of disgust and racism that was to follow. I take three sites: Botany Bay, Sydney; the Ruby Princess cruise ship; and the effect of COVID-19 on fish supply chains and the lives and livelihoods of fishers especially in the global south. I draw on John Clarke’s argument that ‘tracing the different dynamics and forces that come together to constitute the conjuncture is a substantial challenge’, and Meaghan Morris’ call for site-specific thinking in cultural studies. This is, I argue, a time for messy digging in the swamp of the pandemic if we are to find thin threads of hope for our more-than-human world, and our discipline.




本文旨在证明对COVID-19的海洋表现进行合相分析可能会是什么样子。尽管在持续的大流行中海洋似乎仍留在外围,但海洋仍然受到深深的影响,因为这是一个比人类更重要的联系空间。众所周知,据称是在海鲜市场(华南海鲜市场)出现了这种病毒的第一个迹象,这一事件推动了随之而来的恶心和种族主义的蔓延。我有三个地点:悉尼植物园湾;红宝石公主号游轮;以及COVID-19对鱼类供应链以及渔民的生活和生计的影响,特别是在全球南方。我以约翰·克拉克(John Clarke)的论点为依据,“寻找共同构成纽扣的不同动力和力量是一个巨大的挑战”,Meaghan Morris呼吁在文化研究中进行针对特定地点的思考。我认为,如果我们要为人类以外的世界和我们的纪律找到希望的细线,那是时候在混乱的大流行中进行挖掘了。
