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Water and energy balance of canopy interception as evidence of splash droplet evaporation hypothesis
Hydrological Sciences Journal ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-10 , DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1924378
Shigeki Murakami 1


Canopy interception (I) can be divided into three processes: evaporation during rainfall (IR), during storm break time (ISbt) and after cessation of rainfall. Those values were measured using plastic Christmas tree stands, and it was found that IR was much larger than ISbt. Although it is commonly accepted that wet canopy evaporation is a major process of I, if so, ISbt must be greater than IR because of higher potential evaporation during storm break time. It was also demonstrated that measured IR was greater than calculated IR using the Penman-Monteith (PM) equation that assumes wet surface evaporation. Splash droplet evaporation (SDE), described as splash droplets generated by a raindrop hitting the canopy evaporate, was an alternative mechanism of I. SDE can elucidate ISbt « IR; for a larger rainfall amount, the number of splash droplets becomes higher. Calculated IR was smaller than measured IR because the PM equation does not include SDE.




冠层截留()可以分成三个过程:降雨(期间蒸发ř期间风暴休息时间(),SBT)和降雨停止之后。这些值是使用塑料圣诞树架测量的,发现I RI Sbt大得多。虽然普遍认为湿冠层蒸发是I的主要过程,如果是这样,I Sbt必须大于I R,因为在风暴中断期间更高的潜在蒸发。还证明了测量的I R大于使用 Penman-Monteith (PM) 方程计算的I R,该方程假设湿表面蒸发。飞溅液滴蒸发 (SDE),被描述为由雨滴撞击树冠蒸发产生的飞溅液滴,是I的另一种机制。SDE 可以阐明I Sbt « I R ; 雨量越大,飞溅的水滴数量越多。计算的I R小于测量的I R,因为 PM 方程不包括 SDE。
