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Introduction to Editorial Board Member: Professor Jennifer L. West
Bioengineering & Translational Medicine ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1002/btm2.10225
Emily S. Day 1, 2, 3

We are pleased to introduce Editorial Board Member Professor Jennifer L. West in this issue of Bioengineering and Translational Medicine (Figure 1). Prof. West will be Dean of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Virginia (UVA) effective July 1, 2021, becoming the first woman to lead UVA Engineering.1 Currently, she is the Fitzpatrick Family University Distinguished Professor of Engineering at Duke University, where she also serves as Associate Dean for Ph.D. Education. In addition to her primary faculty appointment in Biomedical Engineering, Prof. West holds appointments in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Cell Biology, and Chemistry. She is also Core Faculty in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, a Member of the Duke Cancer Institute, and an Affiliate of the Regeneration Next Initiative. Before moving to Duke University in 2013, Prof. West was the Isabel C. Cameron Professor of Bioengineering at Rice University, where she began her academic career in 1996 after earning her doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin. She also served as Bioengineering Department Chair during her time at Rice. Over the years, West has garnered international acclaim for her contributions to the fields of biomaterials, tissue engineering, and nanomedicine.

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Professor Jennifer L. West at Duke University.

Photo credit: Duke Graduate School

During her tenure at Rice University, West pioneered the development of nanoparticle‐mediated photothermal therapy together with Naomi Halas, another Rice professor. In 2003, they reported that nanoshells composed of 120 nm silica cores and 15‐nm thick gold shells could be delivered into tumors and irradiated with tissue‐penetrating near‐infrared light, causing the nanoshells to produce heat sufficient to induce thermal tumor damage.2 This seminal paper has been cited >4200 times, and led researchers worldwide to begin investigating photothermal therapy as a treatment for various cancer subtypes. West and Halas co‐founded Nanospectra Biosciences to facilitate the clinical translation of nanoshell‐mediated photothermal therapy. The results of a clinical trial in patients with low‐ or intermediate‐risk localized prostate cancer were published in late 2019 and validated the feasibility and safety of this treatment regimen.3 For their invention, West and Halas were named co‐recipients of the Best Discovery of 2003 Award from Nanotechnology Now and they also were named 2005 Outstanding Women of Achievement in Science and Technology by the YWCA of Houston.4, 5 Since the original breakthrough of photothermal therapy, West has further contributed to advancements in nanomedicine by developing numerous innovative nanotechnologies for multi‐modal imaging enhancement, light‐responsive drug delivery, and more.6-16

Beyond her contributions to nanomedicine, Prof. West is also known for her pioneering research in biomaterials engineering. In this regard, she creates unique biofunctional materials and incorporates these materials in tissue engineering applications. In particular, West is known for her work designing extracellular matrix (ECM)‐mimetic hydrogels, which support cell encapsulation to enable regenerative medicine applications.17-19 She has invented novel microfabrication strategies for three‐dimensional (3D) biomimetic patterning that enable researchers to recapitulate with high precision the in vivo vascular architecture of desired organs.20 Using specifically tailored hydrogels, her lab has also performed research that provides insight to the role of specific cells (e.g., adipose‐derived stem cells, macrophages), growth factors, or peptides on vascularization.21-23 Finally, West has also led the development of two‐dimensional biomimetic platforms that enable studies of cell biology and stem cell differentiation.24-27 Her impact in the field of biomaterials and tissue engineering is substantial, as her work spanning these fields and nanotechnology has earned over 50,000 citations to date.

For her scientific achievements, Prof. West has received numerous awards and honors. She is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Inventors, and a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) and of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES). West is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor and in 2015 she received the Clemson Award from the Society for Biomaterials, which is bestowed upon those who have advanced knowledge of material/tissue interactions. In 2017, she was an invited lecturer at the annual meeting of the President's Circle, an honorary association that engages with the Presidents of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine to ensure they have the necessary resources to further their work.

In addition to her scientific accolades, Prof. West is also known for her outstanding teaching and mentoring. At Duke University, West has been honored with the 2019 Dean's Award for Excellence in Mentoring and with the 2016 Capers and Marion McDonald Award for Excellence in Teaching and Research.28, 29 While at Rice, Prof. West received the Excellence in Research Mentorship Award as well as the J.M. Chance Prize for Excellence in Teaching.30 Her trainees have advanced to prominent careers in academia and industry, and many attribute her mentorship to their success. In support of her nomination for the 2019 Dean's Award for Excellence in Mentoring, one of West's former trainees stated, “Dr. West possesses the power to encourage in exacting detail. It is almost as if she knows each person's weaknesses or fears and takes great care with specific effort to have them addressed…Dr. West took me under her wing and told me I could fly. When I didn't believe her, she pushed me out of the proverbial ‘nest’ and now, I'm flying.”28 Another wrote, “I will always look up to Dr. West as a scientist and mentor. Her knowledge, insight, and integrity are admirable. She cares about her students, both personally and professionally. She always believed in me and sought out opportunities for my growth.”28

These sentiments were echoed by other alumni of the West Lab who were contacted for comment. They described Prof. West as “an exemplary leader and mentor…who is always willing to share her experience and knowledge to guide her trainees” and as someone who “not only promotes the accomplishments of her own trainees but is more broadly dedicated to championing people and raising others up. She is an exemplar of generosity and positivity.” Many noted that Prof. West's guidance extends well beyond the years her students work in the lab, and that she is unwavering in her support. One alumna stated, “It was her confidence in me that enabled me to develop confidence in myself as a scientist.” On behalf of all of Prof. West's former and current mentees, I thank her for her moral support, guidance, and advocacy, which has positively impacted numerous individuals and contributed greatly to their success.

Finally, Prof. West has performed outstanding service to the profession. She has served on the editorial board of numerous scientific journals and participated in several grant review panels for the NIH and NSF. She was Treasurer of BMES from 2011 to 2015 and served on the BMES Diversity Committee from 2014 to 2017. Prof. West was Vice Chair and Chair Elect of the Gordon Research Conference on Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering from 2015 to 2019 (Figure 2) and Chair of the National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Symposium from 2016 to 2019. Furthermore, she was Chair of the AIMBE College of Fellows from 2013 to 2015 and President Elect of the North Carolina Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society from 2016 to 2018. Overall, West's dedicated leadership and impactful service have greatly advanced the bioengineering community over the years.

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West Lab members and alumni at the 2019 Gordon Research Conference on Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

Prof. West has had an immense impact on biomaterials and nanomedicine research, and on the field of biomedical engineering more broadly. She is a remarkable leader who has nurtured the careers of many in the field, including both former trainees and those not affiliated with her lab. On behalf of the scientific community, I am honored to thank her for her research contributions, selfless service, and dedication to inspiring and empowering others through meaningful mentorship.


编辑委员会成员简介:Jennifer L. West教授

我们很高兴在本期《生物工程与转化医学》(图1)中介绍编辑委员会成员Jennifer L. West教授。West教授将从2021年7月1日起担任弗吉尼亚大学(UVA)工程与应用科学系主任,成为领导UVA工程的第一位女性。1个目前,她是杜克大学费兹帕特里克家庭大学的杰出工程学教授,还担任过博士学位的副院长。教育。除了担任生物医学工程系的主要教师外,West教授还担任机械工程与材料科学,细胞生物学和化学领域的职务。她还是创新与创业核心学院,杜克大学癌症研究所的成员,也是“再生下一个计划”的会员。West教授于2013年移居杜克大学之前,曾是莱斯大学生物工程学的伊莎贝尔·卡梅伦教授,在得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获得博士学位后,她于1996年开始了她的学术生涯。在赖斯任职期间,她还担任过生物工程部门的主席。这些年来,

杜克大学的Jennifer L. West教授。


在莱斯大学任职期间,韦斯特与另一位莱斯大学教授纳奥米·哈拉斯(Naomi Halas)一起率先开发了纳米粒子介导的光热疗法。在2003年,他们报告说,由120 nm二氧化硅核和15 nm厚的金壳组成的纳米壳可以被递送到肿瘤中,并用穿透组织的近红外光照射,从而使纳米壳产生足以引起肿瘤热损伤的热量。2个这篇开创性的论文被引用了4200多次,使全世界的研究人员开始研究光热疗法作为多种癌症亚型的治疗方法。West和Halas共同创立了Nanospectra Biosciences,以促进纳米壳介导的光热疗法的临床翻译。针对低危或中危局限性前列腺癌患者的临床试验结果于2019年底发表,证实了该治疗方案的可行性和安全性。3由于他们的发明,韦斯特和哈拉斯被《纳米技术》评为“ 2003年最佳发现奖”的共同获奖者,并且还被休斯敦基督教女青年会评选为“ 2005年科学技术成就杰出女性”。4、5自从光热疗法的最初突破以来,West通过开发用于多模态成像增强,光响应药物传递等的众多创新纳米技术,进一步为纳米医学的发展做出了贡献。6-16



除了她的科学成就外,韦斯特教授还以出色的教学和指导而闻名。在杜克大学,韦斯特(West)在2019年获得了Dean优秀指导奖,并在2016年获得了Capers and Marion McDonald在教学和研究方面的卓越奖。28,29在莱斯大学期间,韦斯教授获得了“研究指导优秀奖”和“ JM Chance优秀教学奖”。30她的受训者已经在学术界和工业界取得了杰出的职业,许多人将她的指导归功于他们的成功。为了支持她获得2019年院长指导优秀奖的提名,韦斯特的一位前受训者说:韦斯特拥有鼓励细节的能力。几乎就像她知道每个人的弱点或恐惧一样,并特别努力地加以解决,以解决他们……博士。韦斯特把我带到她的机翼下,告诉我我可以飞。当我不相信她时,她把我赶出了众所周知的“巢”,而现在,我正在飞翔。” 28岁另一位写道:“我将永远仰望韦斯特博士作为科学家和导师。她的知识,见识和正直令人钦佩。她个人和专业都在乎她的学生。她一直相信我,并为我的成长寻找机会。” 28岁

这些观点得到了西部实验室的其他校友的回应,他们被征询了他们的意见。他们将韦斯特教授描述为“一个模范的领导者和导师……他总是愿意分享她的经验和知识来指导他们的学员”,并且是“不仅促进自己的学员取得成就,而且更广泛地致力于倡导人们的人”。并培养其他人。她是一个慷慨和积极的榜样。” 许多人指出,韦斯特教授的指导远远超出了她的学生在实验室工作的年限,并且她坚定不移地提供支持。一位校友说:“正是她对我的信任使我对自己作为科学家的信心增强了。” 我代表韦斯特教授的所有前任和现任受训者,感谢她在道义上的支持,指导和倡导,


West Lab的成员和校友参加了2019年戈登生物材料和组织工程研究会议

