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Early warning alerts for extreme natural hazard events: A review of worldwide practices
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102295
Olaf Neußner

This review found a high variety of natural hazard early warning schemes, as manifested by different wordings, number of alert levels, colour codes and pictograms. This results in compromised public awareness and understanding of (early) warning alert messages. This, in turn, means reduced probability of adequate, risk reducing actions taken by people in harm's way.

The growing importance of international business and trade, high tourist arrivals as well as increased labour migration call not only for national, but also internationally recognized warning schemes. Investments in early warning systems have improved the detection of approaching extreme natural events significantly in the past decades, however, the wide range of warning schemes makes it difficult for citizens to understand the warning and initiate adequate responses. Therefore, it is deemed necessary that warning messages follow consistent schemes across different hazards and countries, including colour codes (for example yellow, orange, red, for increasing dangers), wordings, pictograms and other features like acoustic signals. Alert levels in a standardised system will be quickly recognized by the public as demonstrated by the traffic lights scheme in many countries worldwide. Confusion would be further reduced if multi-hazard early warning systems follow the same numbers of alert levels for different hazards. The alert levels may have different thresholds in the respective countries but the basic message would be the same. International institutions like the United Nations would be in a good position to push such an agenda in line with the multi-hazard early warning approach of the Sendai Framework.




