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Archaeobotanical analysis of food and fuel procurement from Fulayj fort (Oman, 5th-8th c. CE) including the earliest secure evidence for sorghum in Eastern Arabia
Journal of Arid Environments ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2021.104512
Vladimir Dabrowski , Charlène Bouchaud , Margareta Tengberg , Antoine Zazzo , Seth Priestman

The recent study of botanical macro-remains from the Late Sasanian and Early Islamic (5th to 8th century) fort of Fulayj (Batinah, Sultanate of Oman) provides a unique opportunity to discuss food and fuel acquisition strategies in an arid environment and to document periods that are little known from an archaeobotanical perspective in Eastern Arabia. Seed assemblages include the first well-identified and directly radiocarbon dated evidence of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor ssp. bicolor (L.) Moench.) in Eastern Arabia, which raises the question of whether the grain was imported from distant sources (for example Yemen, East Africa or India) or locally cultivated. In addition to sorghum, the food plant assemblage includes hulled barley (Hordeum vulgare), date (Phoenix dactylifera) and jujube (Ziziphus cf. spina-christi). Date palm gardens may have existed near to the site as they do today or food products may have been brought from date palm gardens on the Batinah coast where conditions for agricultural production are particularly favourable. Charcoal analysis reveals that the main taxa used for fuel (acacia, prosopis, jujube tree, tamarisk) were collected from local plant communities, occasionally supplemented with firewood gathered in the foothills and mountainous areas.



最近对萨拉斯晚期和伊斯兰早期(5至8世纪)福莱吉堡(阿曼苏丹国巴廷纳)的植物遗骸的研究提供了一个独特的机会来讨论干旱环境中的食物和燃料获取策略并记录时期从阿拉伯东部的考古学家的角度来看,这鲜为人知。种子组合包括第一阱确定的并直接放射性碳过时高粱证据(高粱SSP。双色(L.)荞。)在东阿拉伯,这就引起的晶粒是否是从遥远的源导入的问题(例如也门,东非或印度)或本地种植。除高粱外,食用植物的组合还包括去壳的大麦(Hordeum vulgare),大枣(凤凰dactylifera)和枣(Ziziphus cf. spina-christi)。枣椰园可能像今天一样存在于该地点附近,或者食品可能是从Batinah海岸的枣椰园带来的,那里的农业生产条件尤为有利。木炭分析表明,用于燃料的主要分类单元(金合欢,鸡冠花,枣树,柳)是从当地植物群落中收集的,偶尔还补充了在山麓和山区收集的木柴。
