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Dissipative state transfer and Maxwell's demon in single quantum trajectories: Excitation transfer between two noninteracting qubits via unbalanced dissipation rates
Physical Review A ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1103/physreva.103.052201
Fabrizio Minganti , Vincenzo Macrì , Alessio Settineri , Salvatore Savasta , Franco Nori

We introduce a protocol to transfer excitations between two noninteracting qubits via purely dissipative processes (i.e., in the Lindblad master equation there is no coherent interaction between the qubits). The fundamental ingredients are the presence of collective (i.e., nonlocal) dissipation and unbalanced local dissipation rates (the qubits dissipate at different rates). The resulting quantum trajectories show that the measurement back-action changes the system wave function and induces a passage of the excitation from one qubit to the other. While similar phenomena have been witnessed for a non-Markovian environment, here the dissipative quantum state transfer is induced by an update of the observer knowledge of the wave function in the presence of a Markovian (memoryless) environment—this is a single quantum trajectory effect. That is, a postselection of a jumpless trajectory allows a transfer even for a non-Markovian environment where no quantum jumps have taken place. Beyond single quantum trajectories and postselection, such an effect can be observed by histogramming the ratio of quantum jumps at different times along several realizations. By investigating the effect of the temperature in the presence of unbalanced local dissipation, we demonstrate that, if appropriately switched on and off, the collective dissipator can act as a Maxwell's demon. These effects are a generalized measure equivalent to the standard projective measure description of quantum teleportation and Maxwell's demon. They can be witnessed in state-of-the-art setups given the extreme experimental control in, e.g., superconducting qubits, Rydberg atoms, and nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers.


