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Some Remarks on the Discovery ofMd244
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.126.182501
F. P. Heßberger , M. Block , Ch. E. Düllmann , A. Yakushev , M. Leino , J. Uusitalo

In two recent papers by Pore et al. and Khuyagbaatar et al., discovery of the new isotope Md244 was reported. The decay data, however, are conflicting. While Pore et al. report two isomeric states decaying by α emission with Eα(1)=8.66(2)MeV, T1/2(1)=0.40.1+0.4s and Eα(2)=8.31(2)MeV, T1/2(2)6s, Khuyagbaatar et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 142504 (2020).] report only a single transition with a broad energy distribution of Eα=(8.738.86)MeV and T1/2=0.300.09+0.19s. The data published in Pore et al. are very similar to those published for Md245m [Eα=8.64(2), 8.68(2) MeV, T1/2=0.350.16+0.23s [V. Ninov, F. P. Heßberger, S. Hofmann, H. Folger, G. Münzenberg, P. Armbruster, A. V. Yeremin, A. G. Popeko, M. Leino, and S. Saro, Z. Phys. A 356, 11 (1996).] ]. Therefore, we compare the data presented for Md244 in Pore et al. with those reported for Md245 in Ninov et al. and also in Khuyagbaatar et al. We conclude that the data presented in Pore et al. shall be attributed to Md245 with small contributions (one event each) from Fm245 and probably Md246.



在Pore等人最近发表的两篇论文中和Khuyagbaatar等。,发现新同位素d244已经报道。但是,衰减数据存在冲突。而毛孔等。报告两个同分异构态衰减α 发射与 Ëα1个=8.662个电动汽车Ť1个/2个1个=0.4-0.1+0.4sËα2个=8.312个电动汽车Ť1个/2个2个6s,Khuyagbaatar等。[物理 莱特牧师 [ 125,142504(2020)。]报告了仅一次过渡,能量分布宽广,Ëα=8.738.86电动汽车Ť1个/2个=0.30-0.09+0.19s。数据发表在Pore等人的文章中。与针对以下内容发布的内容非常相似d245 [Ëα=8.642个,8.68(2)MeV, Ť1个/2个=0.35-0.16+0.23s[V. Ninov,F。P.Heßberger,S。Hofmann,H。Folger,G。Münzenberg,P。Armbruster,A。V. Yeremin,A。G. Popeko,M。Leino,和S. Saro,Z。Phys 。A 356,11(1996)。]。因此,我们比较呈现的数据d244在Pore等人中。与那些报告d245在Ninov人中以及Khuyagbaatar等人。我们得出的结论是,Pore等人提出的数据应归因于d245 贡献很小(每个事件一个) 调频245 而且可能 d246