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Self-Induced Glassy Phase in Multimodal Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.126.183601
V. Erba , M. Pastore , P. Rotondo

We provide strong evidence that the effective spin-spin interaction in a multimodal confocal optical cavity gives rise to a self-induced glassy phase, which emerges exclusively from the peculiar Euclidean correlations and is not related to the presence of disorder as in standard spin glasses. As recently shown, this spin-spin effective interaction is both nonlocal and nontranslational invariant, and randomness in the atoms’ positions produces a spin glass phase. Here we consider the simplest feasible disorder-free setting, where atoms form a one-dimensional regular chain and we study the thermodynamics of the resulting effective Ising model. We present extensive results showing that the system has a low-temperature glassy phase. The model depends on the adimensional parameter α=(a/w0)2, a being a lattice spacing and w0 an interaction length scale. Notably, for rational values of α=p/q, the number of metastable states at low temperature grows exponentially with q and the problem of finding the ground state rapidly becomes computationally intractable, suggesting that the system develops high-energy barriers and ergodicity breaking occurs.



我们提供有力的证据,证明在多峰共焦光学腔中有效的自旋-自旋相互作用会引起自感应玻璃态,该相完全由特殊的欧几里德相关性产生,与标准自旋玻璃中的无序不相关。如最近所示,这种自旋-自旋有效相互作用是非局部和非平移不变的,原子位置的随机性产生自旋玻璃相。在这里,我们考虑最简单可行的无序设置,其中原子形成一维规则链,并且我们研究所得有效伊辛模型的热力学。我们提供了广泛的结果,表明该系统具有低温玻璃态相。模型取决于尺寸参数α=一种/w02个一种 是晶格间距 w0互动长度量表。值得注意的是,对于α=p/q,低温下的亚稳态数随 q 快速找到基态的问题在计算上变得棘手,这表明该系统形成了高能垒,并且发生了遍历破坏。