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Yellowfin tuna behavioural ecology and catchability in the South Atlantic: The right place at the right time (and depth)
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.664593
Serena R. Wright , David Righton , Joachim Naulaerts , Robert J. Schallert , Chris A. Griffiths , Taylor Chapple , Daniel Madigan , Vladimir Laptikhovsky , Victoria Bendall , Rhys Hobbs , Doug Beare , Elizabeth Clingham , Barbara Block , Martin A. Collins

The yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares: YFT) is a widely distributed, migratory species that supports valuable commercial fisheries. Landings of YFT are seasonally and spatially variable, reflecting changes in their availability and accessibility to different fleets and metiers which, in turn, has implications for sustainable management. Understanding the dynamics of YFT behaviour and how it is affected by biological and ecological factors is therefore of consequence to fisheries management design. Archival and pop-up satellite tags (PSAT) were used in the South Atlantic Ocean around St Helena between 2015 and 2020 to collect information on the movements, foraging and locomotory behaviour of YFT. The study aimed to (1) identify vertical behaviour of YFT within St Helena’s EEZ; (2) assess the timing and depth of potential feeding events and (3) to use the information to inform on the catchability of YFT to the local pole and line fishing fleet. Results indicate that the YFT daytime behaviour shifted between shallow with high incidence of fast starts in surface waters in summer months (December to April), to deep with high incidence of strikes at depth in colder months (May to November). Catchability of YFT was significantly reduced between May and November as YFT spent more time at depths below 100m during the day, which coincides with a reduction in the quantity of YFT caught by the inshore fleet.



黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares:YFT)是分布广泛的迁徙物种,为珍贵的商业渔业提供了支持。YFT的着陆点在季节和空间上是变化的,这反映了它们的可利用性和对不同舰队和机群的可及性的变化,这反过来又对可持续管理产生了影响。因此,了解YFT行为的动态及其如何受到生物学和生态因素的影响对渔业管理设计至关重要。2015年至2020年之间,在圣海伦娜附近的南大西洋使用了档案和弹出式卫星标签(PSAT),以收集有关YFT的运动,觅食和运动行为的信息。该研究旨在(1)确定圣海伦娜EEZ内YFT的垂直行为;(2)评估潜在进食事件的时间和深度,以及(3)使用该信息来告知YFT对当地杆和线捕鱼船队的可捕性。结果表明,YFT的白天行为在夏季月份(12月至4月)从浅水区快速启动的发生率较高的浅层转变为在较冷月份(5月至11月)的深部罢工的发生率较高的深层。在5月至11月期间,YFT的可捕获性显着降低,因为YFT在白天在100m以下的深度上花费了更多的时间,这与近海船队捕获的YFT数量减少相吻合。结果表明,YFT的白天行为在夏季月份(12月至4月)从浅水快速启动的发生率较高的浅层转变为较冷月份(5月至11月)的深部罢工的发生率较高的深层。在5月至11月期间,YFT的可捕获性显着降低,因为YFT在白天在100m以下的深度上花费了更多的时间,这与近海船队捕获的YFT数量减少相吻合。结果表明,YFT的白天行为在夏季月份(12月至4月)从浅水快速启动的发生率较高的浅层转变为较冷月份(5月至11月)的深部罢工的发生率较高的深层。在5月至11月期间,YFT的可捕获性显着降低,因为YFT在白天在100m以下的深度上花费了更多的时间,这与近海船队捕获的YFT数量减少相吻合。